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#320 Agency Program Analysis Spreadsheet
The Agency Program Analysis Spreadsheet supplement allows you to create spreadsheet presentations of project or element revenues and expenditures. The analysis may include any project or element combination. For those project and element combinations that you use on a regular basis, you may assign format numbers to each combination format and request the report to include the specified format number. You have the choice to prepare the analysis using regular month-end data or cost allocation detail if you use Supplement #399 Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail. The analysis may include any of the following columns included on the revenue and expenditure reports.
A total column is printed for the projects or elements included on the analysis. Cost categories can be used to combine specified revenue and expenditure codes.
Project 39900 will only print as a column showing the lines items in the indirect pool if you select Regular month end data and select all projects and all elements. In this case, the total column will include all of the indirect line item expenditures added to the direct cost line items and zero amounts will print next to 59700 and 59900.
Things You Should Know
Set-up Cost Categories:
Edit - Click on edit to add a new code or edit a previously entered code or line item assignment.
Save – This will permanently record the current entries.
Print – This will display with the option to print or export.
Combine Formats tab
When you select the Combine Formats tab, a form will appear that allows you to create numerous formats in which you can choose either Projects or Elements to be included in the report. This is useful for agencies that wish to produce department reports that would include Projects and Elements specific only to one department, such as Children’s Services, or Weatherization, etc.
Type – Select either Element or Project to define whether you will be producing reports using elements or projects for this format.
Format# – Assign a number to the format you are creating.
Title: Enter the title for the format you are creating.
Status – This box should be checked if you wish this to be an active format.
Grid – Select the elements or projects you wish to include on the report.
Analysis Spreadsheet tab
Operating Instructions
Click on the Analysis Spreadsheet tab
Regular Month End – This selection will generate the reports with all costs that are allocated through the pools remaining in their control accounts. For example, if your organization uses the Fringe Benefit Pool, all fringe costs will remain in the control account, 505000.
Allocation Detail – If you use Supplement #399 Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail and have prepared the detail for the current month, this option will provide you with the line item detail of all cost allocation pools.
Refer to Supplement #399 Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail in the Help section for further information on how that supplement works.
Period – The last regular month end prepared will be displayed here.
Report by:
Project– Use this option if your report is using groups of projects.
Element – Use this option if your report is using groups of elements.
Combine Format # – To use this option you need to have set up and saved Combine Formats through that tab in this supplement and put a checkmark in this field.
Format# - Enter the format number you wish to use. If you do not want to select a format number, do not put a checkmark in the Combine Format#.
Define Columns - Select which column you want on your analysis - budgets, prior year, current month, current year or project total.
Report Format
Normal Line Items – Select this option to include all line items in your report.
Cost Category Detail – To use this option you need to have set up and saved the Cost Category Report Format(s) through the Cost Categories tab in this supplement or they may have previously been set up through a different supplement. This selection will provide you with the Cost Category totals as defined as well as the line item detail for each category.
Cost Category Summary – To use this option you need to have set up and saved the Cost Category Report Format(s) through the Cost Categories tab in this supplement or they may have previously been set up through a different supplement. This selection will provide you with the Cost Category totals as defined without the line item detail.
Format # – If you select Cost Category Detail or Cost Category Summary, you must identify the report format you wish to use.
Note: If you checked Combine Format# and entered a format number, it will override anything you choose under Include all projects and elements.
Include All Projects – Check this box to include all Projects in your report. If this box is not checked, a list box will appear allowing you to select which Projects you wish to include.
Include All Elements – Check this box to include all Elements in your report. If this box is not checked, a list box will appear allowing you to select which Elements you wish to include.
Title - Enter the title you want printed on the report.
The Agency Program Analysis Spreadsheet supplement allows you to create spreadsheet presentations of project or element revenues and expenditures. The analysis may include any project or element combination. For those project and element combinations that you use on a regular basis, you may assign format numbers to each combination format and request the report to include the specified format number. You have the choice to prepare the analysis using regular month-end data or cost allocation detail if you use Supplement #399 Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail. The analysis may include any of the following columns included on the revenue and expenditure reports.
- Budgets (not available if allocation detail is selected)
- Prior Year (not available if allocation detail is selected)
- Current Month
- Current Year
- Project Total
A total column is printed for the projects or elements included on the analysis. Cost categories can be used to combine specified revenue and expenditure codes.
Project 39900 will only print as a column showing the lines items in the indirect pool if you select Regular month end data and select all projects and all elements. In this case, the total column will include all of the indirect line item expenditures added to the direct cost line items and zero amounts will print next to 59700 and 59900.
Things You Should Know
Set-up Cost Categories:
- Should your agency use Supplement #399 Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail, that features is also available within this supplement.
- To setup Balance sheet/Cost Categories setup, visit Balance Sheet/Cost Category Setup
Edit - Click on edit to add a new code or edit a previously entered code or line item assignment.
Save – This will permanently record the current entries.
Print – This will display with the option to print or export.
Combine Formats tab
When you select the Combine Formats tab, a form will appear that allows you to create numerous formats in which you can choose either Projects or Elements to be included in the report. This is useful for agencies that wish to produce department reports that would include Projects and Elements specific only to one department, such as Children’s Services, or Weatherization, etc.
Type – Select either Element or Project to define whether you will be producing reports using elements or projects for this format.
Format# – Assign a number to the format you are creating.
Title: Enter the title for the format you are creating.
Status – This box should be checked if you wish this to be an active format.
Grid – Select the elements or projects you wish to include on the report.
Analysis Spreadsheet tab
Operating Instructions
Click on the Analysis Spreadsheet tab
Regular Month End – This selection will generate the reports with all costs that are allocated through the pools remaining in their control accounts. For example, if your organization uses the Fringe Benefit Pool, all fringe costs will remain in the control account, 505000.
Allocation Detail – If you use Supplement #399 Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail and have prepared the detail for the current month, this option will provide you with the line item detail of all cost allocation pools.
Refer to Supplement #399 Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail in the Help section for further information on how that supplement works.
Period – The last regular month end prepared will be displayed here.
Report by:
Project– Use this option if your report is using groups of projects.
Element – Use this option if your report is using groups of elements.
Combine Format # – To use this option you need to have set up and saved Combine Formats through that tab in this supplement and put a checkmark in this field.
Format# - Enter the format number you wish to use. If you do not want to select a format number, do not put a checkmark in the Combine Format#.
Define Columns - Select which column you want on your analysis - budgets, prior year, current month, current year or project total.
Report Format
Normal Line Items – Select this option to include all line items in your report.
Cost Category Detail – To use this option you need to have set up and saved the Cost Category Report Format(s) through the Cost Categories tab in this supplement or they may have previously been set up through a different supplement. This selection will provide you with the Cost Category totals as defined as well as the line item detail for each category.
Cost Category Summary – To use this option you need to have set up and saved the Cost Category Report Format(s) through the Cost Categories tab in this supplement or they may have previously been set up through a different supplement. This selection will provide you with the Cost Category totals as defined without the line item detail.
Format # – If you select Cost Category Detail or Cost Category Summary, you must identify the report format you wish to use.
Note: If you checked Combine Format# and entered a format number, it will override anything you choose under Include all projects and elements.
Include All Projects – Check this box to include all Projects in your report. If this box is not checked, a list box will appear allowing you to select which Projects you wish to include.
Include All Elements – Check this box to include all Elements in your report. If this box is not checked, a list box will appear allowing you to select which Elements you wish to include.
Title - Enter the title you want printed on the report.