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You are here: General Ledger > G/L Supplements > Balance Sheet/Cost Category Setup
Balance Sheet Categories

Click on edit to begin entering category codes and descriptions or to make changes.

After editing, click on Save Edit

The Balance Sheet Categories/Cost Categories and the Assign Line Items can be printed. Choosing to print the Line items will have the option to print by GL Code or by Category.

Click on the delete button to delete a category displayed.
Setup Categories
Code - Assign a numeric value to the category code you are creating. All asset categories are to be between 100-199. All liability categories are to be between 200-299 and all equity categories are to be between 300-399.
The reconciling amounts on your month end balance sheet will be reflected next to Cost Allocation Control in the liability section of the Balance Sheet by Category, but you do not have to set up a balance sheet category for that liability.
Description - Enter the description of the category you are creating. Examples may include “Cash in Bank” and “Payroll Withholding Accounts”.
Assign Line Items:
Use to assign balance sheet GL codes to the existing categories. The option of creating numerous formats gives the ability to define what transaction codes are assigned to a specific category using multiple combinations, depending on different reporting needs.
When the Assign Line Item option is selected, the following items appear:
Format # – Assign a number to the Format you are creating. To edit a format number, select the format number from the drop down box. All the codes you assigned previously will appear in the grid. Double click on the grid to delete a line or change the category.
Description - Assign a description for this format, i.e. Board format.
GL Code –Select the balance sheet GL code to be assigned to a category. Only existing codes will appear.
Cost Category Code – Select the existing Cost Category code to be assigned to the GL code. If a balance sheet GL code has a balance and isn’t assigned a code, the amount will print next to category 0.
Cost Categories
Setup Categories:
Code – Assign a numeric value to the Category being created. All revenue categories need to be between 1000 and 1999. Category 1999 is the default for Other Revenues. All expenditure codes need to be between 2000 and 9999. Category 9999 is the default for Other Expenses.
Description – Enter the description of the Category being created. An example of these would be Personnel Costs, Supplies, etc.
To Assign Line Items:
Use to assign Cost Category revenue and expense codes to the existing categories. The option of creating numerous formats gives the ability to define what transaction codes are assigned to a specific category using multiple combinations, depending on different reporting needs.
When the Assign Line Item option is selected, the following items appear:
Format # – Assign a number to the Format you are creating. To edit a format number, select the format number from the drop down box. All the codes you assigned previously will appear in the grid. Double click on the grid to delete a line or change the category.
GL Code –Select the Cost Category GL code to be assigned to a category. Only existing codes will appear.
Cost Category Code – Select the existing Cost Category to be assigned to the transaction code. If there are transaction codes with budgets or YTD activity that are not assigned to a category, when the report is generated all unassigned Revenue Codes will appear under category 1999 – Other Revenues, and all unassigned Expenditure codes will appear under category 9999 – Other Expenses.
Code - Assign a numeric value to the category code you are creating. All asset categories are to be between 100-199. All liability categories are to be between 200-299 and all equity categories are to be between 300-399.
The reconciling amounts on your month end balance sheet will be reflected next to Cost Allocation Control in the liability section of the Balance Sheet by Category, but you do not have to set up a balance sheet category for that liability.
Description - Enter the description of the category you are creating. Examples may include “Cash in Bank” and “Payroll Withholding Accounts”.
Assign Line Items:
Use to assign balance sheet GL codes to the existing categories. The option of creating numerous formats gives the ability to define what transaction codes are assigned to a specific category using multiple combinations, depending on different reporting needs.
When the Assign Line Item option is selected, the following items appear:
Format # – Assign a number to the Format you are creating. To edit a format number, select the format number from the drop down box. All the codes you assigned previously will appear in the grid. Double click on the grid to delete a line or change the category.
Description - Assign a description for this format, i.e. Board format.
GL Code –Select the balance sheet GL code to be assigned to a category. Only existing codes will appear.
Cost Category Code – Select the existing Cost Category code to be assigned to the GL code. If a balance sheet GL code has a balance and isn’t assigned a code, the amount will print next to category 0.
Cost Categories
Setup Categories:
Code – Assign a numeric value to the Category being created. All revenue categories need to be between 1000 and 1999. Category 1999 is the default for Other Revenues. All expenditure codes need to be between 2000 and 9999. Category 9999 is the default for Other Expenses.
Description – Enter the description of the Category being created. An example of these would be Personnel Costs, Supplies, etc.
To Assign Line Items:
Use to assign Cost Category revenue and expense codes to the existing categories. The option of creating numerous formats gives the ability to define what transaction codes are assigned to a specific category using multiple combinations, depending on different reporting needs.
When the Assign Line Item option is selected, the following items appear:
Format # – Assign a number to the Format you are creating. To edit a format number, select the format number from the drop down box. All the codes you assigned previously will appear in the grid. Double click on the grid to delete a line or change the category.
GL Code –Select the Cost Category GL code to be assigned to a category. Only existing codes will appear.
Cost Category Code – Select the existing Cost Category to be assigned to the transaction code. If there are transaction codes with budgets or YTD activity that are not assigned to a category, when the report is generated all unassigned Revenue Codes will appear under category 1999 – Other Revenues, and all unassigned Expenditure codes will appear under category 9999 – Other Expenses.