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YTD Payroll Register
This prints a current year or prior year YTD Payroll Register and YTD Deduction Register through the date requested.
Operating Procedures
This prints a current year or prior year YTD Payroll Register and YTD Deduction Register through the date requested.
Operating Procedures
- Select Current Year for current calendar year registers or Prior Year for previous calendar year registers. Select the Check Date from the combo box for this register. You may choose to print all classes by checking the “Include all classes” box. If this box is unchecked a listing of classes will appear. Select the classes you wish to include on the register. You may also choose to Include SSN# on the registers if desired.
- Include SSN#: Click this box if you wish to have the employee’s Social Security number printed on the registers.
- Sort by: This report can be sorted in Alpha, Department or Site order.
Note: It is recommended that you always display the register for all classes every pay period and verify your control totals for the calendar year.
Note: The YTD Payroll and Deductions Registers are prepared using payroll run numbers. For example, if you have a current payroll check date of 9/25/16 that you included a PADJ dated 9/27/16 in the same processing run #80, you would see the 09/25/2016 PR#:80 in the combo box. When the report is displayed, it will include the PADJ dated 9/27/16 because it was included in run #80. If your payroll run only includes PADJ’s, it will display the latest check date used in that payroll run.
- Once the check date and classes are selected, the system will generate a calendar YTD payroll register showing gross to net breakdown for all selected staff.
- When you choose to close the YTD Payroll Register, the YTD Deduction Register will automatically be displayed on the screen. The YTD Deduction Register will show all deductions withheld from staff during the calendar year.
- The summary page of the YTD Payroll Register includes the "Gross to Net" breakdown as well as the calendar year EFTPS information.
- YTD/QTD/Prior SS Tax Deferral Register: Display or print the SS Tax Deferral Register for YTD, QTD, or a Prior Payroll Period.