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You are here: Payroll > Processing > Special Situations > Voiding and reissuing a payroll check or direct deposit
Voiding and Reissuing a Payroll check or direct deposit
To void a check/DD, go to Payroll, Payroll Processing, Payroll Adjustments. Click on Void and enter the employee number. Click on the Check # field and enter the check number or 0 for a direct deposit. If a 0 is entered, a message will appear to Enter the PR# for Direct Deposit. Once the check field is populated, the check/DD information will be displayed with negative amounts. Enter the date the check or DD was voided. Click on Save Void.
Note: Only current calendar year information can be used when clicking the Void button. If a check/DD is being voided from a previous calendar year, click on New and enter the negative information manually.
To reissue a voided check/DD, go to Payroll Processing, Payroll adjustments. Click on New and enter the employee number. Do not enter a check number or check date and do not put a check in the PADJ box. Fill out the screen with positive amounts and once the Net Pay is correct, click on Save.
When the prepare payroll step is run, make sure to include payroll adjustments. The payroll register will show a PADJ for the void and CADJ for the positive payroll adjustment. A check/DD will be created from the CADJ and the PADJ will only affect the employee’s YTD.
To void a check/DD, go to Payroll, Payroll Processing, Payroll Adjustments. Click on Void and enter the employee number. Click on the Check # field and enter the check number or 0 for a direct deposit. If a 0 is entered, a message will appear to Enter the PR# for Direct Deposit. Once the check field is populated, the check/DD information will be displayed with negative amounts. Enter the date the check or DD was voided. Click on Save Void.
Note: Only current calendar year information can be used when clicking the Void button. If a check/DD is being voided from a previous calendar year, click on New and enter the negative information manually.
To reissue a voided check/DD, go to Payroll Processing, Payroll adjustments. Click on New and enter the employee number. Do not enter a check number or check date and do not put a check in the PADJ box. Fill out the screen with positive amounts and once the Net Pay is correct, click on Save.
When the prepare payroll step is run, make sure to include payroll adjustments. The payroll register will show a PADJ for the void and CADJ for the positive payroll adjustment. A check/DD will be created from the CADJ and the PADJ will only affect the employee’s YTD.