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You are here: General Ledger > Monthly Processing > Transaction Code Listing
Transaction Code Listing
Print, display, or export a listing of all or specified accounting transactions for the month and subtotaled by transaction code.
The Transaction Code Listing details all transactions for the month by transaction code. It is used to check coding and may be used as a quick reference to see all charges across the organization for a particular line item. Auditors often use it to test the treatment of expenses from a cost allocation perspective, i.e., on what basis is a particular line item being charged to various program activities in the organization?
Reports include:
Print, display, or export a listing of all or specified accounting transactions for the month and subtotaled by transaction code.
The Transaction Code Listing details all transactions for the month by transaction code. It is used to check coding and may be used as a quick reference to see all charges across the organization for a particular line item. Auditors often use it to test the treatment of expenses from a cost allocation perspective, i.e., on what basis is a particular line item being charged to various program activities in the organization?
Reports include:
- Transaction date
- Transaction batch type and number
- Document number (for CD batches, this column would be check number)
- Vendor/description
- Project, program element and general ledger code
- Debit and credit amounts
- Account balance
- If the period selected contains unposted batches (other than a batch with zero amounts, project codes, element codes and GL codes) you will receive the following message: “You have unposted batches. Do you wish to continue?” Choosing Yes, the system will generate the report, however it will not contain the information on the unposted batches. Choosing no, the system will display a list showing the batch number(s) and type(s) of all unposted batches for that period.
Period From and To date: Select the time frame for the report. This will identify what accounting batches (VR, CR, GJ, CD, and optional AR) have been entered and posted to include in this report.
Transaction Codes: Select from the list those general ledger transaction codes that to be included on the Transaction Code Listing Report. To include all, no selection is required.
Things You Should Know
- The Transaction Code Listing may be produced as often as required requesting all or a range of transaction codes.
- Before proceeding, check the following:
- 30000 accounts should NOT appear except for fund balances and net asset accounts
- Account 50500 and 59700 should not appear until “Final year end run”
- Transfer codes used in special allocation programs should not appear until “Final year end run”
Should you identify a problem, follow these procedures:
-Begin by correcting the accounting (VR, CR, GJ, CD, and optional AR) batches, if necessary and repost them. Then reprint and replace the Transaction Code Listing.