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You are here: Tools > Supplement Installation/Uninstall
Supplement Installation/Uninstall
Activate supplements upon purchase to allow access or uninstall supplements.
Operating Instructions
Supplement Installation/Uninstall
Supplement: Click on the combo box arrow to select the supplement to be installed/uninstalled from the alphabetical listing.
Password: Enter the password emailed by GMS at time of supplement purchase. A password is not required to uninstall supplements.
Activate supplements upon purchase to allow access or uninstall supplements.
Operating Instructions
Supplement Installation/Uninstall
Supplement: Click on the combo box arrow to select the supplement to be installed/uninstalled from the alphabetical listing.
Password: Enter the password emailed by GMS at time of supplement purchase. A password is not required to uninstall supplements.

Click on install to complete the installation of the supplement. The message “The Supplement is Installed” will appear. Click OK to return to the supplement installation menu. After installing a supplement, be sure to go to Security Supplements to assign rights to the appropriate users.

Click on this button to uninstall a supplement. Please contact GMS to discontinue the license of the supplement to be uninstalled.
Supplements Installed
Select this tab to view a list of currently installed supplements.
Supplements Installed
Select this tab to view a list of currently installed supplements.

Will print a list of installed supplements