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You are here: Payroll > Payroll Setup > Setup
These forms will allow you to establish various setup files to assist in payroll processing and other employee based report generation. The user-defined fields allow you to tailor the GMS software to meet your organization’s needs. The setup files to be established in this section are:
These forms will allow you to establish various setup files to assist in payroll processing and other employee based report generation. The user-defined fields allow you to tailor the GMS software to meet your organization’s needs. The setup files to be established in this section are:
Department KY Local Tax Local Tax Optional Questions Position Special Pay Workers Comp Base |
Deduction(%) Wage Base
Garnishment Deduction Leave Balance Type Multiple Pay Rates Pay Code Site Code State Tax Workers Comp Rate |
Things You Should Know
Once a deduction is established, the tax treatment for the deduction should not be changed. Instead, you should create a new deduction, and possibly change the status of the old one to not active. This will help in the reconciliation of various after the fact payroll reports, such as Quarterly Reports and W-2 processing.
Operating Instructions
Once a deduction is established, the tax treatment for the deduction should not be changed. Instead, you should create a new deduction, and possibly change the status of the old one to not active. This will help in the reconciliation of various after the fact payroll reports, such as Quarterly Reports and W-2 processing.
Operating Instructions
- When you click on one of the setup file options, the fields below will be modified accordingly to meet the needs of that specific selection. Also, the information as entered for that item will appear in the grid to the right.
- If you click edit on an existing deduction, you will receive a message saying "If any of the deferrals are changed, it may affect the calculation of taxable wages in the current year". This is a message warning you that any change to a deduction that is deferred from any tax type might change the way taxes are calculated from that point forward.
- After you click on a setup file option you will then need to click on the Edit button to enter new information or to edit existing information. When editing an existing setup file, after you select the Edit button you will need to make the changes in the grid by clicking on the desired field and then select the Save Edit button.
- All setup files, with the exception of Deductions and Pay Codes, have an “Active” column in the grid once the file has been set up. To change the Active status, select the Edit button, click on the desired field in the grid, type in True or False and then select the Save Edit button.