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You are here: Tools > Security Menu
Security Menu
Assign levels of security to each user, based on menu options available.
Things You Should Know
Operating Instructions
User Name:
Assign levels of security to each user, based on menu options available.
Things You Should Know
- For the GL Master files, vendor master file, employee master file and customer master file, read only rights can be assigned. This will allow that user the ability to view the information but not be allowed to edit any information.
- When any changes are made to the Security menu and saved, GMS must be closed and reopened for the changes to take effect.
- Unselecting the check at the top of a column will stop the user from accessing any of the menu options below.
Operating Instructions
User Name:

Click on edit. Select a username. Click on the boxes the User will have access to.

Print will produce a report for the current user showing the menu options accessible.