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You are here: General Ledger > Year End > Saving a Copy of Your Final Year End Database
Saving a Copy of Your Final Year End Database
After year-end activity has been completed and final reports filed and BEFORE you roll forward to the new year, make a backup of the current database. Please follow the instructions below for either the Access version or SQL version of GMS, whichever is appropriate. You will then be able to log into the FY backup from your GMS Accounting login menu, for the purpose of looking up information and printing reports only.
Access databases:
After year-end activity has been completed and final reports filed and BEFORE you roll forward to the new year, make a backup of the current database. Please follow the instructions below for either the Access version or SQL version of GMS, whichever is appropriate. You will then be able to log into the FY backup from your GMS Accounting login menu, for the purpose of looking up information and printing reports only.
Access databases:
- Create a folder called FY## YE Database in the GMSNet folder.
- Place the backup of the current database in this folder.
- Add the old FY to the login drop down menu
- The IT Person will need to open the current ConversionNet.mdb file located in the GMSNET folder on the network drive, or the C drive if you are not networked.
- Under Tables, locate tblCompanies. Double click to open the table.
- Once in the table, under the column titled Company, you will see GMSNET, GMS2NET, etc. On the last line of the grid, type the name for the old FY as well as a new convert*.net in the DSN column (Use convert*.Net and replace the * with a number not being used) Once the table has been changed, exit the table and exit the database.
- Setup the ODBC on each workstation to connect to the new database:
- For 64 bit computers: Run the file called odbcad32.exe. It should be located in the Windows\sysWOW64 folder. Right click on it and select Pin to Start menu, then run this file
- For 32 bit computers: this would be found under Control Panel, Home View, Administrative Tools, Data Sources (ODBC).
- Select System DSN tab. Select Add. From the list of drivers, double click on Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb), then click Finish. This will return you to the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup Form. In the Data Source Name field, type Convert*.net (*Use the DSN name that was created in tblcompanies)
- You may leave the Description field blank or type in the description of your choice.
- Click on Select. In the Drives box, click the drive the FY## YE Database is located. (This would typically be either the network drive or the local C drive if not networked.)
- Find the FY## YE Database folder and double click on it. This will put ConversionNet.mdb in the screen on the left. Double click on ConversionNet.mdb. This will put \FY## YE Database\ConversionNet.mdb in the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup screen in the middle to the right of the word Database. If, for example, on F drive it should say F:\FY## YE Database\ConversionNet.mdb. Click ok on each screen to close out of the ODBC set up and return to the desktop.
- Create a backup of the current database
- Add the old FY to the login drop down menu.
- The IT person on staff will need to use SQL Management Studio to open the current ConversionNetSQL database file
- Under Tables, locate tblCompanies.
- Right click on tblCompanies and choose Edit
- Once in the table, under the column titled Company, you will see GMSNET, GMS2NET, etc. On the last line of the grid, type the name for the old FY as well as a new convert*.net in the DSN column (Use convert*.Net and replace the * with a umber not being used) Once the table has been changed, exit the table and exit the database
- Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
- On the left panel under Object Explorer, Right click on Databases and choose Restore Database.
- A Restore Database form will appear. Click on Device and click on …. to browse,
- On the Select Backup Devices screen, click on Add, locate and select the conversionSQLBU.bak file that was created earlier in the instructions, then Click Ok. Now the conversionSQLBU.bak will appear in the Backup Media field and click OK.
- On the Restore Database form, for Destination, Database field, enter ConversionNet##SQL. Verify under Backup Sets to Restore that the ConversionSQLBU.bak is checked, then Click on Ok. It will go through the restore process and when it’s complete, you will receive a message that says "ConversionNet##SQL restored successfully" (## represents the number you have assigned this FY backup)
- ConversionNet##SQL will now be listed under Databases on the left panel and you can exit Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
- Set up the ODBC on each workstation to connect to the new database
- For 64 bit computers: Run the file called odbcad32.exe. It should be located in the Windows\sysWOW64 folder. Right click on it and select Pin to Start menu, then run this file
- For 32 bit computers: this would be found under Control Panel, Home View, Administrative Tools, Data Sources (ODBC).
- On the System DSN tab, click on Add, select SQL Server, click on Finish. This will return you to Create New Data Source to SQL Server Form.
- In the name field enter Convert*.net (*Use the DSN name that was added in tblcompanies) Leave the description blank or enter anything you want to describe the database. In the Server field enter your SQL Server Name. (If installing on a single work station, choose local), then click on Next.
- There are 2 options to connect. Typically you would select With Windows NT Authentication using the network login ID. Make sure "Connect to SQL Server to obtain default settings for the additional configuration options" is checked. Click on Next.
- Check the box "Change the default database to". It will be defaulted to master. Choose ConversionNet##SQL from the combo box. Do not change any other default settings on this page. Click Next.
- Don’t change anything on the next screen and click on Finish button. You need to click on Test Data Source button. If you get TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY then you can close out of the ODBC Data Administrator.