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QTD (Quarterly) Reporting Register
Prepares an analysis of Quarter to Date wages including taxable amounts for Federal, Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment.
Things You Should Know
Operating Procedures
Prepares an analysis of Quarter to Date wages including taxable amounts for Federal, Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment.
Things You Should Know
- If printed at a time other than the end of quarter, it will show Quarter to Date information through the last payroll processed in the requested quarter.
Operating Procedures
Year: Enter the 4-digit year in which you wish to view the QTD Reporting Register.
Quarter (1-4): Enter 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the desired quarter. Click on QTD Reporting Register. Include SSN: Select if you want to include the Social Security number on the report. If you have selected to Include SSN, you will then be given the opportunity to select to only have the last four digits print. Wages subject to unemployment: Enter the amount of wages that are subject to Unemployment. Once an amount is entered, it will be retained until changed so please be certain to confirm the amount is correct each time you print the report. Wages subject to social security: Enter the amount of wages that are subject to Social Security. Once an amount is entered, it will be retained until changed so please be certain to confirm the amount is correct each time you print the report. Include all classes: All classes will automatically be included in your report. Should you wish to not include all classes, remove the checkmark which will then allow you to select the classes to be included. Note: Before selecting to print the QTD Reporting Register, select whether you want the report sorted by Alpha, Department or Site. The QTD Reporting Register will then display on the screen and is available for printing or exporting. If the agency address is in the state of Missouri, the following message will be displayed before printing the Quarterly Reporting Register: “Do you have any deductions that are to be subtracted from gross wages to be reported under the QTD Wage column”. If you click on Yes, a list box with all of the deductions will be displayed. Check those deductions that you want subtracted from gross wages under the QTD Wage column. After these questions are answered, click on the Print button. The report will then display on the screen and is available for printing or exporting. |