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Payroll Processing
All Payroll Processing activities are organized in this section of the software. It encompasses activities from timesheet data entry through check preparation and report generation.
Make sure that the direct deposit and paycheck stubs are printed on the same work station as the check run is saved.
In addition to normal payroll related functions, the GMS system offers a variety of unique features including employee leave balance maintenance and employee expense reimbursement processing using Timesheet and Expense Reimbursement batches previously entered.
Payroll is fully integrated within the GMS system. As a result, only minimal additional data entry may be needed in order to process payroll. Employee Files contain all information necessary for gross to net computations and leave balance maintenance. Timesheet batches include hours worked and leave time taken and amounts to be paid for each employee working or on paid leave during the pay period. Payroll is produced when the software blends the Timesheet batches with the Employee Files.
Specific areas covered in this section are:
All Payroll Processing activities are organized in this section of the software. It encompasses activities from timesheet data entry through check preparation and report generation.
Make sure that the direct deposit and paycheck stubs are printed on the same work station as the check run is saved.
In addition to normal payroll related functions, the GMS system offers a variety of unique features including employee leave balance maintenance and employee expense reimbursement processing using Timesheet and Expense Reimbursement batches previously entered.
Payroll is fully integrated within the GMS system. As a result, only minimal additional data entry may be needed in order to process payroll. Employee Files contain all information necessary for gross to net computations and leave balance maintenance. Timesheet batches include hours worked and leave time taken and amounts to be paid for each employee working or on paid leave during the pay period. Payroll is produced when the software blends the Timesheet batches with the Employee Files.
Specific areas covered in this section are:
Payroll Adjustments
Before Payroll Backup Leave Balances Prepare Payroll Worker’s Comp Analysis (Optional) Payroll Direct Deposit (Optional) Print Checks Check Register Paycheck Sign Out Log (Optional) YTD Payroll Register Unemployment Analysis Local Tax Analysis (Optional) State Tax Analysis Ohio School Tax Analysis (Optional) Retirement Report (Optional) Payroll Journal Entry After Payroll Backup |