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Payment History
Prepares a history of all Accounts Payable checks issued and ACH debits recorded via General Journal to all Vendors. It may be prepared for all or selected Vendors.
Things You Should Know
Drill Down Available on Payment History
Drill Downs in this supplement give you the ability to double click on a line with the voucher or GJ information and you will be taken to the source document.
Note: This drill down feature is for VR and GJ information only. The CD transactions do not have drill down capabilities. Simply double click on the document number or description of the VR or GJ to be taken to the source document.
- The report is generated based upon A/P checks issued and General Journal entries that were identified as an ACH debit payment to a vendor. Any outstanding Vouchers that have not been paid will not appear in the report. Information on the report includes: Vendor code and Name, Vendor Status, Voucher Batch number, Voucher Number, Voucher Description, PO #, Voucher date, Check number, Check Date, CD Batch number and Check amount.
- This report is prepared in check date order from oldest to most recent then general journals from the oldest to most recent.
Operating Instructions
Include All Vendors: Should you wish to include all Vendors in the report, leave this box checked. If you uncheck this box, you will be able to sort the vendors in the list box by code or alphabetically by clicking on the column heading, and choose specific vendor(s) for the report.
Sort By: You have the option of sorting your report by Alpha field, Vendor Code, Vendor Name or FID#.
Include ACH Debits Only: Check this box if you wish to prepare the report using only ACH Debit GJ transactions.
Include Voucher Detail: Check this box if you wish to see individual voucher amounts in addition to the check totals.
When this box is checked, should you have void checks for a vendor the positive and negative amounts for the vendor will be included in the report.
Include Vendors with FID# Only: Check this box if you wish to prepare the report using only vendors that have a FID# in their file. Note: Should you choose this option you will have the ability to include the entire FID# or just the last four digits of the FID# on the report.
Start Date and End Date: Please enter the starting and ending check dates to be included in the report. If you leave the dates blank, it will pull the start date from the earliest A/P check date that exists in the check table. It will put the computer date in the end date field.
Vendor without Vouchers: Creates a listing of all vendors that did not have vouchers entered against their account during the timeframe of the Start and End Dates selected. Listing also reflects True/False status based upon whether the vendor is listed as Active in the Vendor File.