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March 2019 List of Changes
Supplement #412 – R & E Report Designer
If a user chooses to "Include prior year cost allocation detail for prior year column" it will not allocate the costs to the line items in the Prior year column on the R/E reports.
Accounts Payable – Vendor Entry
The third line of the address is no longer available.
Supplement # 402 FASB 117 Worksheets
GL Categories
The system will no longer allow a user to assign a GL code to multiple GL categories.
Payroll – Local Tax Analysis and Ohio School tax Analysis
For Local Tax and School Tax Analysis a Prior Year Report button has been added. This will allow the client to print the prior YTD amount so the report can be used to reconcile with W2. Since this is new for Local and School tax analysis report shows 2018 in the prior year.
Supplement #423 E-Form 941
941 forms have been updated for tax year 2019 format.
Supplement #517 Retirement Report
Kentucky Retirement System E-File
For KY Retirement e-File, the correct wages, employer contribution and optional contribution will be included if they choose to include and report all retirement plans.