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Leave Balance Type
Leave balances can be tracked based upon leave earned and leave taken by employee per pay period. This form identifies the types of leave balances to be tracked in the Employee File. The two-letter pay code must be established in the Pay Code Setup before entering in this form. After leave types have been entered, enter all applicable leave types and hours to be earned per pay period into all applicable Employee Files.
A. Code: Enter the two-letter pay code for the leave to be tracked in the Employee Files. For Comp Time in the accounting system, use the code CU for Comp Leave
B. Description: Enter the description for the leave to be tracked in the Employee Files.
C. Active: Enter True if this Leave Balance Type is to be used. If it is no longer to be used, enter False.
B. Description: Enter the description for the leave to be tracked in the Employee Files.
C. Active: Enter True if this Leave Balance Type is to be used. If it is no longer to be used, enter False.