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You are here: Accounts Receivable > Invoice Creation
Invoice Creation
Enter, change, or print invoice batches.
Enter, change, or print invoice batches.
Document Attachments
During Invoice data entry you have the ability to attach an external document to the invoice or invoice batch control. Some examples are a pdf image of a statement, correspondence in a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. To accomplish this, once the Invoice is open, click on the Documents button on the tool bar across the top of your screen. A New Document form will appear with the Source combo box defaulted to AR. The Batch# and Doc# fields will also automatically be populated. At this point you can open Windows Explorer or My Computer and locate the document you wish to attach.
Then simply drag and drop the document by placing the cursor over the document name, left click and drag it to the New Document form in GMS. Once the cursor is anywhere on the New Document form simply let go of the cursor button and the complete file name and path will appear in the File Name field. Then save the document attachment. Another option is to click on the >> symbol to the right of the File Name field and locate the document to be attached. Once the document is selected, click on open then save the document attachment.
Once a document is attached a paperclip image will appear on the bottom of the form. Should you wish to view a document already attached, click on the paper clip. If there is only one document attached, when you click on the paper clip the document will open. If there are multiple documents attached the File List form will appear and you may choose which document you wish to view.
Should you wish to add additional documents to the Invoice, once the grid appears with the currently attached document(s), click on the New button on the bottom of the form and repeat the attachment process.
Auto attach documents – If you have several documents to be attached in a batch stored in a specific folder you can select Auto Attach from the New Document form. Then in the File Name box identify a document within the folder where the attachments are stored.
The system will then automatically attach all documents in that folder that start with the corresponding entry number in the batch. For example, if you have entry numbers 356 and 357 in a batch the system will automatically attach documents that are named 356 xxx and 357 xxx to the appropriate entry in the batch. Note: in order for this procedure to work properly the documents to be attached must be named with the corresponding entry number to which they are to be attached followed by a space then followed by a description of your choice. For example, a document to be attached to entry number 356 in a batch could be named 356 Approval Memo.
Should you wish to “un-attach” a document from the invoice, highlight the existing file name and click on the Delete button on the bottom. Note: this step does not delete the document, it merely “un-attaches” it from the Invoice.
During Invoice data entry you have the ability to attach an external document to the invoice or invoice batch control. Some examples are a pdf image of a statement, correspondence in a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. To accomplish this, once the Invoice is open, click on the Documents button on the tool bar across the top of your screen. A New Document form will appear with the Source combo box defaulted to AR. The Batch# and Doc# fields will also automatically be populated. At this point you can open Windows Explorer or My Computer and locate the document you wish to attach.
Then simply drag and drop the document by placing the cursor over the document name, left click and drag it to the New Document form in GMS. Once the cursor is anywhere on the New Document form simply let go of the cursor button and the complete file name and path will appear in the File Name field. Then save the document attachment. Another option is to click on the >> symbol to the right of the File Name field and locate the document to be attached. Once the document is selected, click on open then save the document attachment.
Once a document is attached a paperclip image will appear on the bottom of the form. Should you wish to view a document already attached, click on the paper clip. If there is only one document attached, when you click on the paper clip the document will open. If there are multiple documents attached the File List form will appear and you may choose which document you wish to view.
Should you wish to add additional documents to the Invoice, once the grid appears with the currently attached document(s), click on the New button on the bottom of the form and repeat the attachment process.
Auto attach documents – If you have several documents to be attached in a batch stored in a specific folder you can select Auto Attach from the New Document form. Then in the File Name box identify a document within the folder where the attachments are stored.
The system will then automatically attach all documents in that folder that start with the corresponding entry number in the batch. For example, if you have entry numbers 356 and 357 in a batch the system will automatically attach documents that are named 356 xxx and 357 xxx to the appropriate entry in the batch. Note: in order for this procedure to work properly the documents to be attached must be named with the corresponding entry number to which they are to be attached followed by a space then followed by a description of your choice. For example, a document to be attached to entry number 356 in a batch could be named 356 Approval Memo.
Should you wish to “un-attach” a document from the invoice, highlight the existing file name and click on the Delete button on the bottom. Note: this step does not delete the document, it merely “un-attaches” it from the Invoice.
Operating Instructions
AR Batch
The AR Batch screen is used to create a New batch, select the Post Period, Print Invoices or the batch, and to Post or Unpost your batch. The grid displays all AR batches and the corresponding hash totals. Columns can be sorted ascending or descending by clicking on the column heading. The AR batch can also be posted or unposted in the grid.
The AR Batch screen is used to create a New batch, select the Post Period, Print Invoices or the batch, and to Post or Unpost your batch. The grid displays all AR batches and the corresponding hash totals. Columns can be sorted ascending or descending by clicking on the column heading. The AR batch can also be posted or unposted in the grid.
Batch #: The next batch number is automatically assigned when the batch is Saved.
Description: You may enter a description for the batch that will print on the, batch register and Batch Analysis.
AR GL: This will default to the code established on the Default GL Codes tab of Tools, Organization. It may be changed if you desire.
Posting Period: Enter the posting period or select the period ending date in which this batch should be posted from the combo box.
Print Invoice: When you select this button a form will appear with certain print options. They are:
a. You can enter a new message or choose an existing message – Once you enter a message to be printed on the invoices the message will be saved for use at a later time. When printing all subsequent batches you will be able to click on the combo box to select a previously saved message or enter a new one.
b. Include agency name and address – should you be printing invoices on blank paper and wish your agency name and address to be printed on the invoice, select this option.
c. Include project details - click this button to have the project number and description to which an invoice was coded print on the invoice.
d. Include company logo – Check this box to have the company logo appear on the invoice. The default is the right corner, to move it to the left corner, check the “Move logo to the left corner” box
a. You can enter a new message or choose an existing message – Once you enter a message to be printed on the invoices the message will be saved for use at a later time. When printing all subsequent batches you will be able to click on the combo box to select a previously saved message or enter a new one.
b. Include agency name and address – should you be printing invoices on blank paper and wish your agency name and address to be printed on the invoice, select this option.
c. Include project details - click this button to have the project number and description to which an invoice was coded print on the invoice.
d. Include company logo – Check this box to have the company logo appear on the invoice. The default is the right corner, to move it to the left corner, check the “Move logo to the left corner” box
Things You Should Know
- A separate AR batch must be entered for each accounts receivable asset account.
- If a saved AR batch contains a Void invoice you are unable to edit the AR GL Code.
Invoice Data Entry
Individual invoices are entered, edited, saved and deleted here.
Individual invoices are entered, edited, saved and deleted here.
Customer: Enter or select from the combo box your customer’s number. Entering a customer’s number here will cause their name to automatically appear to the right of it. If you do not know the customer number, you may proceed to the larger box and either type in the name or select from the combo box.
Only Active customers will appear in the code and name combo boxes.
Only Active customers will appear in the code and name combo boxes.
Invoice #: The next available invoice number will automatically be assigned when the invoice is saved.
Amount: Enter the total amount of your invoice. This will be debited to your Accounts Receivable asset code.
Date: This will default to your computer’s date. You may edit this if it is not the correct date. If you change the date, that same date will automatically be displayed on additional invoices entered in that batch.
Order: If an order number applies to your invoice, enter it here. This number cannot exceed fifty digits and may be alpha and/or numeric.
Description: You may enter a description using up to 255 characters for your invoice here. If you enter the slash key (/), it will repeat the previous invoice’s description.
Element: Enter or select from the combo box your element number. If you enter revenue at the project level you may bypass this element code entry box.
Project: If this field is not already completed for you then you have chosen to bypass the element number and enter your revenue at the project level. Enter or select your project number from the combo box.
GL Code: Enter or select from the combo box your General Ledger Transaction Code. Normally you will select a 40000 series revenue code.
Amount: Enter the amount that you wish to credit to the GL Code, Element and/or Project number selected. You must tap Enter on your keyboard or click on the Enter button after entering this amount.
Enter: Selecting enter will move your information to into the table within your database, allowing you to enter more line items. Select the Save button if you have no other line items to enter.
Things You Should Know
If an error is discovered after an item has been saved to the grid, you can remove it from
the grid or change it in the grid and other related fields. To remove an item from the grid, click the edit button, double click on the line you wish to delete and click the Save button.
If an error is discovered after an item has been saved to the grid, you can remove it from
the grid or change it in the grid and other related fields. To remove an item from the grid, click the edit button, double click on the line you wish to delete and click the Save button.
To Void an Invoice: To void an invoice, click on New on the AR Batch Tab, enter an AR GL Code and Save the Batch. You cannot void an invoice in the same batch as the original invoice. If you try to, it will give you a message telling you that you can’t.
Click on the Invoice Data Entry Tab and click on Void. Enter the invoice number that you want to void. You will be blocked from voiding an invoice in a GL account that is different than the GL account where the original exists. You will get a message telling you to verify that the amount to be voided is correct.
When you click on OK, the original invoice will be displayed. It will automatically put the unpaid balance of the invoice in the grid with the negative amounts. At this point the invoice description field is available to enter a reason for voiding the invoice. Once you have verified that the correct invoice has been selected, you can save the void.
Print and post the batch to the GL.
Note: "Void AR" will be inserted at the beginning of any description entered when the document is saved.
Click on the Invoice Data Entry Tab and click on Void. Enter the invoice number that you want to void. You will be blocked from voiding an invoice in a GL account that is different than the GL account where the original exists. You will get a message telling you to verify that the amount to be voided is correct.
When you click on OK, the original invoice will be displayed. It will automatically put the unpaid balance of the invoice in the grid with the negative amounts. At this point the invoice description field is available to enter a reason for voiding the invoice. Once you have verified that the correct invoice has been selected, you can save the void.
Print and post the batch to the GL.
Note: "Void AR" will be inserted at the beginning of any description entered when the document is saved.
Deleting an Invoice: You will be blocked from deleting an invoice for which a cash receipt has been entered.