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Expense Reimbursements
The employee expense reimbursement function is designed to simplify payment of employee expenses by integrating it into the payroll process. You may choose to handle these reimbursements through this process or Accounts Payable.
Most agencies prefer to handle expense reimbursements through this process for several reasons.
Things You Should Know
NOTE: Should you forget to post the TR batch, the batch will be automatically posted when the payroll check run is saved.
Document Attachments
During Expense Reimbursement data entry, you have the option to attach an external document to the expense reimbursement or expense reimbursement batch control. Some examples are a pdf image of a bill, correspondence in a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. To accomplish this, once the expense reimbursement is open, click on the Documents button on the tool bar across the top of your screen. A New Document form will appear with the Source combo box defaulted to Expense Reimbursement. The Batch# and Doc# fields will also automatically be populated. (The employee number will appear in the Doc# field.) At this point you can open Windows Explorer or My Computer and locate the document you wish to attach. Then simply drag and drop the document by placing the cursor over the document name, left click and drag it to the New Document form in GMS. Once the cursor is anywhere on the New Document form simply let go of the cursor button and the complete file name and path will appear in the File Name field. Then save the document attachment. Another option is to click on the >> symbol to the right of the File Name field and locate the document to be attached. Once the document is selected, click on save.
Note: If when you click on “Documents” to initiate the attachment process and the document attachment form does not load you may be missing a file called fpspr35.ocx. At this point please place a service call to GMS for a resolution to this problem.
Should you wish to add additional documents to the expense reimbursement, once the grid appears with the currently attached document(s) click on the New button on the bottom of the form and repeat the attachment process.
Auto attach documents – If you have several documents to be attached in a batch stored in a specific folder you can select Auto Attach from the New Document form. Then in the File Name box identify a document within the folder where the attachments are stored. The system will then automatically attach all documents in that folder that start with the corresponding entry number in the batch. For example, if you have entry numbers 356 and 357 in a batch, the system will automatically attach documents that are named 356 xxx and 357 xxx to the appropriate entry in the batch. Note: in order for this procedure to work properly the documents to be attached must be named with the corresponding entry number to which they are to be attached followed by a space, then followed by a description of your choice. For example, a document to be attached to entry number 356 in a batch could be named 356 Approval Memo.
Should you wish to “un-attach” a document from the expense reimbursement, highlight the existing file name and click on the Delete button on the bottom. Note: this step does not delete the document, it merely “un-attaches” it from the expense reimbursement.
Expense Batch Control
Operating Instructions
Batch #: This is an informational field. The system will automatically number the expense reimbursement batches.
Description: If desired, enter a description for the batch.
Pay Period: The beginning and ending dates of the pay period are to be entered in these fields. Data entry can be accomplished by clicking the combo box arrow. You may then type in the appropriate date or select the date using the calendar function.
GL Code: Enter the liability account that is used as the expense control account for the credit side of the entry to be posted to.
Posting Period: Select the posting period for the month in which the expense reimbursements should be reflected.
Posted: This is an informational field. It will show False when the expense reimbursement batch is entered and changed to True when the expense journal entry is posted.
Print Options: Check boxes are available to specify if signature lines should be printed and the order the expense reimbursements should be sorted – alpha or code.
Find: This selection enables you to search the expense reimbursement batch by batch number.
Print Options: Check boxes are available to specify if signature lines should be printed and the option to print in alpha or code order.
Expense Data Entry
Operating Instructions
Employee: Enter the Employee code in this field. Data entry can be accomplished by typing in the code or clicking on the combo box arrow and making your selection. Your selection will be restricted to current active staff and will be listed in code order.
Name: If the employee code is not known, you may click on the combo box arrow and select from the alpha listing of employees.
Description: If desired, enter a description for this reimbursement. Note: If you enter the forward slash in this field it will repeat the description from the previous expense reimbursement.
Amount: Enter the total dollar amount of the expense reimbursement. If you do not owe the employee, but you need to clear the travel advance account and expense the amount to a program element, enter the total amount as zero. Then put a minus amount to the element and GL code you want to credit and a positive amount to the element and GL code you want to debit.
Element: Enter the Element code for the current line of expense distribution. Data entry can be accomplished by typing in the Element code or clicking on the combo box arrow and making your selection.
GL Code: Enter the GL code for the current line of expense distribution. Data entry can be accomplished by typing in the GL code or clicking on the combo box arrow and making your selection.
Amount: Enter the dollar amount to be expensed on the current line of distribution.
Tapping the enter key or clicking in another location will result in recording the current line of expense distribution on the grid below.
Total: This is an informational field. As individual expense distribution lines are added to the grid the Total figure will automatically be adjusted.
Find: This selection enables you to search the expense reimbursement file by employee code. You must enter an existing employee code.
Print Options: Check boxes are available to specify if signature lines should be printed and the option to include all expense reimbursements
The employee expense reimbursement function is designed to simplify payment of employee expenses by integrating it into the payroll process. You may choose to handle these reimbursements through this process or Accounts Payable.
Most agencies prefer to handle expense reimbursements through this process for several reasons.
- Reimbursement of staff expenses can be disruptive to the normal flow of activities in the accounting department, and handling this issue in conjunction with payroll puts it on a routine basis. Many users place their expense reimbursement form on the reverse side of their timesheet or require submitting the expense sheet along with the Timesheet. This gives the employees a standard procedure for submitting these claims, as well as a certainty of when they can expect to receive the reimbursement.
- Reimbursing expenses in this manner is an excellent time and money saver. Voucher data entry of reimbursements is replaced by a more efficient process. Processing time is reduced and check stock is saved, as additional Accounts Payable checks are not necessary.
Things You Should Know
- There are no tax consequences to handling reimbursements in this manner. Payroll gross to net amounts are calculated normally. Reimbursements are subsequently added to the employee’s net pay and clearly identified on payroll check stubs and all payroll records.
- Any form of employee expense reimbursements may be handled through this process, i.e. travel advances, travel reimbursements, supplies, postage, etc.
- Part of the posting process of employee expense reimbursements is posting the expense reimbursement batch to the General Ledger as a TR batch. The description will reference the pay period ending date.
NOTE: Should you forget to post the TR batch, the batch will be automatically posted when the payroll check run is saved.
- If you void a payroll check that includes an expense reimbursement, do a GJ to credit expense and debit the expense control account.
- These reimbursements can be entered into the system at any time during the month, and posted to the General Ledger prior to the payroll processing.
- Once expense reimbursements have been processed through payroll, the batch can be unposted to edit the element and GL codes only. Then the batch must be re-posted for the changes to be properly recorded.
Document Attachments
During Expense Reimbursement data entry, you have the option to attach an external document to the expense reimbursement or expense reimbursement batch control. Some examples are a pdf image of a bill, correspondence in a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. To accomplish this, once the expense reimbursement is open, click on the Documents button on the tool bar across the top of your screen. A New Document form will appear with the Source combo box defaulted to Expense Reimbursement. The Batch# and Doc# fields will also automatically be populated. (The employee number will appear in the Doc# field.) At this point you can open Windows Explorer or My Computer and locate the document you wish to attach. Then simply drag and drop the document by placing the cursor over the document name, left click and drag it to the New Document form in GMS. Once the cursor is anywhere on the New Document form simply let go of the cursor button and the complete file name and path will appear in the File Name field. Then save the document attachment. Another option is to click on the >> symbol to the right of the File Name field and locate the document to be attached. Once the document is selected, click on save.
Note: If when you click on “Documents” to initiate the attachment process and the document attachment form does not load you may be missing a file called fpspr35.ocx. At this point please place a service call to GMS for a resolution to this problem.
Should you wish to add additional documents to the expense reimbursement, once the grid appears with the currently attached document(s) click on the New button on the bottom of the form and repeat the attachment process.
Auto attach documents – If you have several documents to be attached in a batch stored in a specific folder you can select Auto Attach from the New Document form. Then in the File Name box identify a document within the folder where the attachments are stored. The system will then automatically attach all documents in that folder that start with the corresponding entry number in the batch. For example, if you have entry numbers 356 and 357 in a batch, the system will automatically attach documents that are named 356 xxx and 357 xxx to the appropriate entry in the batch. Note: in order for this procedure to work properly the documents to be attached must be named with the corresponding entry number to which they are to be attached followed by a space, then followed by a description of your choice. For example, a document to be attached to entry number 356 in a batch could be named 356 Approval Memo.
Should you wish to “un-attach” a document from the expense reimbursement, highlight the existing file name and click on the Delete button on the bottom. Note: this step does not delete the document, it merely “un-attaches” it from the expense reimbursement.
Expense Batch Control
Operating Instructions
Batch #: This is an informational field. The system will automatically number the expense reimbursement batches.
Description: If desired, enter a description for the batch.
Pay Period: The beginning and ending dates of the pay period are to be entered in these fields. Data entry can be accomplished by clicking the combo box arrow. You may then type in the appropriate date or select the date using the calendar function.
GL Code: Enter the liability account that is used as the expense control account for the credit side of the entry to be posted to.
Posting Period: Select the posting period for the month in which the expense reimbursements should be reflected.
Posted: This is an informational field. It will show False when the expense reimbursement batch is entered and changed to True when the expense journal entry is posted.
Print Options: Check boxes are available to specify if signature lines should be printed and the order the expense reimbursements should be sorted – alpha or code.
Find: This selection enables you to search the expense reimbursement batch by batch number.
Print Options: Check boxes are available to specify if signature lines should be printed and the option to print in alpha or code order.
Expense Data Entry
Operating Instructions
Employee: Enter the Employee code in this field. Data entry can be accomplished by typing in the code or clicking on the combo box arrow and making your selection. Your selection will be restricted to current active staff and will be listed in code order.
Name: If the employee code is not known, you may click on the combo box arrow and select from the alpha listing of employees.
Description: If desired, enter a description for this reimbursement. Note: If you enter the forward slash in this field it will repeat the description from the previous expense reimbursement.
Amount: Enter the total dollar amount of the expense reimbursement. If you do not owe the employee, but you need to clear the travel advance account and expense the amount to a program element, enter the total amount as zero. Then put a minus amount to the element and GL code you want to credit and a positive amount to the element and GL code you want to debit.
Element: Enter the Element code for the current line of expense distribution. Data entry can be accomplished by typing in the Element code or clicking on the combo box arrow and making your selection.
GL Code: Enter the GL code for the current line of expense distribution. Data entry can be accomplished by typing in the GL code or clicking on the combo box arrow and making your selection.
Amount: Enter the dollar amount to be expensed on the current line of distribution.
Tapping the enter key or clicking in another location will result in recording the current line of expense distribution on the grid below.
Total: This is an informational field. As individual expense distribution lines are added to the grid the Total figure will automatically be adjusted.
Find: This selection enables you to search the expense reimbursement file by employee code. You must enter an existing employee code.
Print Options: Check boxes are available to specify if signature lines should be printed and the option to include all expense reimbursements