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Customer Statement
Statements may be prepared for all or selected customers. It will list all outstanding invoices only.
Statements may be prepared for all or selected customers. It will list all outstanding invoices only.
Operating Instructions
To select statements to be printed, click in the box of the customer(s) you wish to print a statement for.
To select statements to be printed, click in the box of the customer(s) you wish to print a statement for.
Regular Statement: If this option is selected, it will print a plain statement listing only those invoices that are outstanding. It includes Invoice #, date, Amount Invoiced, any partial payments against an invoice and Amount Due.
Custom Statement: If this option is selected, you have additional options. It will also list only those invoices that are outstanding.
Client account #: Select this option if you want the statement to print the client #, which is the same as the customer #.
Remittance form: Select this option to print a remittance form at the bottom of the statement. It is meant to be printed on perforated paper to be torn off and submitted with the payment.
Calculate late fee: Select this option to calculate late fees based on the late fee setup filled in under Customer Setup. In order for late fees to calculate, do not select an A/R GL code and select All customers to print.
Closing Date: This is the cutoff date to include all invoices and payments.
Due Date: This is the date the payment is due and will be printed on the remittance form.
AR GL: Select from the combo box which Accounts Receivable General Ledger asset code you which to print statements for. If you are going to print custom statements and calculate a late fee, do not select an AR GL code.
Balance due only: Check this checkbox if you wish to only include statements for customers that have an outstanding balance.
Agency name and address: If you want your agency name, address and phone number printed, select this option. If you are printing on letterhead or pre-printed forms, do not select this option.
Inactive customers: Select this option if you want to include inactive customers.
e-Bill customers only: Select this option if you want statements only for e-bill customers.
Print: When you select this button, you can enter a new message or choose an existing message. Once you enter a message to be printed on the statements the message will be saved for use at a later time. When printing all subsequent statements you will be able to click on the combo box to select a previously saved message or enter a new one.
Include company logo – Check this box to have the company logo appear on the statement. The default is the right corner, to move it to the left corner, check the “Move logo to the left corner” box.
Note – If the closing date is equal to or earlier than the Month End date in User Setup you will not be able to save this batch.
Note – If you create a late fee batch for a closing period that has already been created but not posted, you will have the opportunity to replace the original batch with the existing batch. Should the original batch have already been posted, you will have to un-post the original batch before continuing.
Note – If you need to delete a late fee batch that was just created and you wish to re-use the same invoice numbers, after deleting the batch you must do the compact and repair step to your database. This is necessary for you to be able to re-use the invoice numbers.