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A/P Procedures at a Glance
Things You Should Know
The following instructions have been prepared to provide a guide through the accounts payable process. They assume that all vouchers have been entered and proofed accordingly.
Select All Unpaid Vouchers – This will select all vouchers currently unpaid. After you make this selection, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Due Date – This option allows you to make your selection based on the Due Date as entered in the individual vouchers. You will be prompted to enter the Starting and Ending Due Dates for your selection. Only those vouchers with due dates within the range you specify will be selected for payment. After you have entered the dates, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select Individual Vouchers – Should you wish to make your selection on an individual voucher basis, choose this option. A grid will appear containing all unpaid vouchers. Place the cursor in the To Be Paid column to make your selections. You can enter the amount you wish to pay (either full or partial) in the fields, or by placing the cursor in a field and tapping enter, the system will select to pay the full amount of that line. Once your selections have been made, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Voucher Range – Choose this option should you wish to make your selection based on a voucher number range. You will be prompted to enter the starting and ending voucher numbers of the range you wish to include. Once your selections have been made, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Voucher Batch Range – Choose this option should you wish to make your selection based on a voucher batch number range. You will be prompted to enter the starting and ending voucher batch numbers of the range you wish to include. Once your selections have been made, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Voucher # - Choose this option to select payment by voucher number. All lines of distribution will be included for each voucher selected. Once your selection is made, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Direct Deposit - Choose this option to select payment by all vouchers receiving direct deposit payments. All lines of distribution will be included for each voucher selected. No vouchers receiving via check will be included. Once your selection is made, click on the Mark for Payment button
Unmark All Selection– This option will clear all vouchers marked for payment, allowing you to start the selection process over.
Unmark Individual Selection – Should you wish to unmark selected vouchers, choose this option. A grid will appear containing all vouchers currently marked for payment. At this point you can edit the amount you have chosen to pay in the To Be Paid column. To completely remove a line for payment, place a zero in the To Be Paid column for that distribution. Once the changes have been made, click the Save Individual Selection button.
Print Selected Items – Print the Vouchers To Be Paid report to review your selections.
Verify the Bank account from which the checks will be issued. Select the posting period of the month in which the checks are dated. This month is not necessarily the same month in which the voucher batches were posted.
Enter the check date and the starting check number.
The checks will appear on the screen enabling you to print the checks.
As the print job is closed the Print Checks form will re-appear on the screen. If the checks have printed successfully, select the Save Check Run button. A Cash Disbursement Posting Journal will appear. Review this report to assure that the CD Batch was posted to the proper accounts.
Should you need to re-print checks due to a paper jam or other reason, you can exit the Print Checks form (after the checks have printed) without saving the check run. When it tells you that the run has not been saved, select No to saving the check run. This will allow you to go to the Print Checks selection again. You can either delete all check numbers and re-print all checks or restart check printing from a specified check.
Please answer all questions on the form appropriately. This will enable you to complete the check run.
The following instructions have been prepared to provide a guide through the accounts payable process. They assume that all vouchers have been entered and proofed accordingly.
- Print Processing Checklist – Select Tools, Processing Checklists, Accounts Payable.
- AP Analysis – Prints an aged Accounts Payable Analysis including all vouchers with an amount due in voucher number sequence. You will be prompted to enter the beginning and ending date for this analysis. These dates represent the posting period of the voucher batches and the check date for checks. Select the ending date of the current month as the “to” date in order for the report to accurately reflect the aging information.
- Unpaid Items Listing – Prints a listing of all unpaid vouchers alphabetically by vendor name, with subtotals by vendor. Printing options available are (1) including all outstanding vouchers or only those within a specific date range and (2) if you wish to include the Complete Voucher Description. If you checkmark this, all information as entered in the voucher description will appear on the report. If you remove the checkmark, only the first line of each voucher description will appear.
- Payment Selection – This allows you to select which vouchers you wish to pay. There are a variety of methods available for you to make these selections. They are as follows:
Select All Unpaid Vouchers – This will select all vouchers currently unpaid. After you make this selection, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Due Date – This option allows you to make your selection based on the Due Date as entered in the individual vouchers. You will be prompted to enter the Starting and Ending Due Dates for your selection. Only those vouchers with due dates within the range you specify will be selected for payment. After you have entered the dates, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select Individual Vouchers – Should you wish to make your selection on an individual voucher basis, choose this option. A grid will appear containing all unpaid vouchers. Place the cursor in the To Be Paid column to make your selections. You can enter the amount you wish to pay (either full or partial) in the fields, or by placing the cursor in a field and tapping enter, the system will select to pay the full amount of that line. Once your selections have been made, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Voucher Range – Choose this option should you wish to make your selection based on a voucher number range. You will be prompted to enter the starting and ending voucher numbers of the range you wish to include. Once your selections have been made, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Voucher Batch Range – Choose this option should you wish to make your selection based on a voucher batch number range. You will be prompted to enter the starting and ending voucher batch numbers of the range you wish to include. Once your selections have been made, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Voucher # - Choose this option to select payment by voucher number. All lines of distribution will be included for each voucher selected. Once your selection is made, click on the Mark for Payment button.
Select by Direct Deposit - Choose this option to select payment by all vouchers receiving direct deposit payments. All lines of distribution will be included for each voucher selected. No vouchers receiving via check will be included. Once your selection is made, click on the Mark for Payment button
Unmark All Selection– This option will clear all vouchers marked for payment, allowing you to start the selection process over.
Unmark Individual Selection – Should you wish to unmark selected vouchers, choose this option. A grid will appear containing all vouchers currently marked for payment. At this point you can edit the amount you have chosen to pay in the To Be Paid column. To completely remove a line for payment, place a zero in the To Be Paid column for that distribution. Once the changes have been made, click the Save Individual Selection button.
Print Selected Items – Print the Vouchers To Be Paid report to review your selections.
- Print Checks – Accounts payable checks are printed based upon the vouchers selected for payment. The system will combine all vouchers to the same vendor onto a single check unless the separate check box was checked on the voucher or voucher # order is selected. You may choose to print checks in either alphabetical order or voucher order. The default is alpha order.
Verify the Bank account from which the checks will be issued. Select the posting period of the month in which the checks are dated. This month is not necessarily the same month in which the voucher batches were posted.
Enter the check date and the starting check number.
- Board Payment Listing – This is an optional report. Some organizations find this useful to obtain another signature in the Accounts Payable process. You will be given the option to exclude vouchers less than a certain amount from the report. You will also be given the option to include signature lines resulting in two “Approved by” signature lines included on the report and also the option to include the voucher description.
- Check Format – The check format will default to the format selected under Tools/Organization/Default GL Codes. If a default has not been selected, choose one of the following: 11” stub-check-stub (laser or dot matrix), 11” z-fold self mailer (laser) or window envelope.
- Print – This selection will begin the check printing process.
The checks will appear on the screen enabling you to print the checks.
As the print job is closed the Print Checks form will re-appear on the screen. If the checks have printed successfully, select the Save Check Run button. A Cash Disbursement Posting Journal will appear. Review this report to assure that the CD Batch was posted to the proper accounts.
Should you need to re-print checks due to a paper jam or other reason, you can exit the Print Checks form (after the checks have printed) without saving the check run. When it tells you that the run has not been saved, select No to saving the check run. This will allow you to go to the Print Checks selection again. You can either delete all check numbers and re-print all checks or restart check printing from a specified check.
Please answer all questions on the form appropriately. This will enable you to complete the check run.
- Re-Print – You can select this option to restart check printing from a specified check. Select the posting period, enter the number of the last good check and the check number you wish to use when restarting. Choose the check format and click the Re- Print button.
- Delete All Check Numbers – If you have this option available, a check run exists that has not been saved. You can select this option should you need to reprint the entire run. This will remove all check information for the current accounts payable run from the tables.
- Check Register – This is a sequential list of the checks printed. Select the CD batch you wish to print using the combo box. Please review the report to assure that the check numbers on the register match the checks as printed.