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Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts
Enter, change, or print cash receipt batches.
Document Attachments
During Cash Receipt data entry you have the ability to attach an external document to the cash receipt or cash receipt batch control. Some examples are a pdf image of a statement, correspondence in a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. To accomplish this, once the cash receipt is open click on the Documents button on the tool bar across the top of your screen. A New Document form will appear with the Source combo box defaulted to CR. The Batch# and Doc# fields will also automatically be populated. At this point you can open Windows Explorer or My Computer and locate the document you wish to attach. Then simply drag and drop the document by placing the cursor over the document name, left click and drag it to the New Document form in GMS. Once the cursor is anywhere on the New Document form simply let go of the cursor button and the complete file name and path will appear in the File Name field. Then save the document attachment. Another option is to click on the >> symbol to the right of the File Name field and locate the document to be attached. Once the document is selected, click on open then save the document attachment.
Once a document is attached a paperclip image will appear on the bottom of the form. Should you wish to view a document already attached, click on the paper clip. If there is only one document attached, when you click on the paper clip the document will open. If there are multiple documents attached the File List form will appear and you may choose which document you wish to view.
Should you wish to add additional documents to the cash receipt, once the grid appears with the currently attached document(s) click on the New button on the bottom of the form and repeat the attachment process.
Should you wish to “un-attach” a document from the cash receipt, highlight the existing file name and click on the Delete button on the bottom. Note: this step does not delete the document, it merely “un-attaches” it from the cash receipt.
Auto attach documents – If you have several documents to be attached in a batch stored in a specific folder you can select Auto Attach from the New Document form. Then in the File Name box identify a document within the folder where the attachments are stored.
The system with then automatically attach all documents in that folder that start with the corresponding entry number in the batch. For example, if you have entry numbers 356 and 357 in a batch the system will automatically attach documents that are named 356 xxx and 357 xxx to the appropriate entry in the batch. Note: in order for this procedure to work properly the documents to be attached must be named with the corresponding entry number to which they are to be attached followed by a space then followed by a description of your choice. For example, a document to be attached to entry number 356 in a batch could be named 356 Approval Memo.
If you have multiple documents to attach to cash receipts such as multiple copies of checks deposited there is a Next button available to ease this process. Click on Next to advance the New Document form to the next existing cash receipt.
Operating Instructions
“Deposit” is the total amount of your deposit with the bank. Some of the fields must be completed before you can enter “cash receipt” information. “Cash receipt” is the documentation of where the monies came from that make up the deposit and which program(s) they are coded to.
Cash Receipt
Things You Should Know
Entering Overpayments Received by a Customer
You can track payments received from customers that exceed the amount of outstanding invoices. For example, if you had outstanding invoices for a client for $350.00, but you received a check for $500.00, you would record that as follows: In cash receipts, enter the $500.00 as the check amount but do not enter an invoice number. Enter the customer. All outstanding invoices will be displayed in the grid with $350.00 reflected in the receipt column. To enter the remaining $150.00, click on GL Code and enter your asset code for A/R. It will ask you what invoice you want to apply it to. Enter the last one or one desired. In the receipt field, enter $150.00. Save the cash receipt.
The next time you are entering a CR for the same customer, in the grid it will show a negative $150.00 in the Amt OS column. Enter a negative (-150.00) amount in the Receipt column on the same line in the grid. That will increase the amount of the new check to apply to unpaid invoices by $150.00. The overpayment from the previous month can then be applied to the current month outstanding invoices.
This is an easy way to always track the overpayments by customer.
Enter, change, or print cash receipt batches.
Document Attachments
During Cash Receipt data entry you have the ability to attach an external document to the cash receipt or cash receipt batch control. Some examples are a pdf image of a statement, correspondence in a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. To accomplish this, once the cash receipt is open click on the Documents button on the tool bar across the top of your screen. A New Document form will appear with the Source combo box defaulted to CR. The Batch# and Doc# fields will also automatically be populated. At this point you can open Windows Explorer or My Computer and locate the document you wish to attach. Then simply drag and drop the document by placing the cursor over the document name, left click and drag it to the New Document form in GMS. Once the cursor is anywhere on the New Document form simply let go of the cursor button and the complete file name and path will appear in the File Name field. Then save the document attachment. Another option is to click on the >> symbol to the right of the File Name field and locate the document to be attached. Once the document is selected, click on open then save the document attachment.
Once a document is attached a paperclip image will appear on the bottom of the form. Should you wish to view a document already attached, click on the paper clip. If there is only one document attached, when you click on the paper clip the document will open. If there are multiple documents attached the File List form will appear and you may choose which document you wish to view.
Should you wish to add additional documents to the cash receipt, once the grid appears with the currently attached document(s) click on the New button on the bottom of the form and repeat the attachment process.
Should you wish to “un-attach” a document from the cash receipt, highlight the existing file name and click on the Delete button on the bottom. Note: this step does not delete the document, it merely “un-attaches” it from the cash receipt.
Auto attach documents – If you have several documents to be attached in a batch stored in a specific folder you can select Auto Attach from the New Document form. Then in the File Name box identify a document within the folder where the attachments are stored.
The system with then automatically attach all documents in that folder that start with the corresponding entry number in the batch. For example, if you have entry numbers 356 and 357 in a batch the system will automatically attach documents that are named 356 xxx and 357 xxx to the appropriate entry in the batch. Note: in order for this procedure to work properly the documents to be attached must be named with the corresponding entry number to which they are to be attached followed by a space then followed by a description of your choice. For example, a document to be attached to entry number 356 in a batch could be named 356 Approval Memo.
If you have multiple documents to attach to cash receipts such as multiple copies of checks deposited there is a Next button available to ease this process. Click on Next to advance the New Document form to the next existing cash receipt.
Operating Instructions
“Deposit” is the total amount of your deposit with the bank. Some of the fields must be completed before you can enter “cash receipt” information. “Cash receipt” is the documentation of where the monies came from that make up the deposit and which program(s) they are coded to.
- Batch #: The next batch number is automatically assigned when the batch is saved.
- Description: You may enter a description for the batch that will print on the batch control, batch register and Batch Analysis.
- Bank: This is the general ledger bank account number that the monies are being deposited into. You may enter your number or select it from the combo box.
- Deposit Date: This is the date of your deposit and defaults to your computer system’s date. You may enter or select a different date by clicking on the arrow.
- Posting Period: The posting period will automatically be set as the last day of the month in which the deposit date was entered.
- Posted: This field will display True or False depending if the deposit batch has been posted to month end. This field cannot be changed or deleted.
- Print Options:
Include signature lines: Check this box if you wish to have signature lines printed on your report.
Print order: select either Alpha or Document # order.
Cash Receipt
- ACH Credit: Check this box if the deposit is the result of an ACH transaction.
Note: If this box is checked the check number will be replaced with "ACH" on all appropriate reports.
- Batch #: This Field displays the current batch number and cannot be edited.
- Bank: This will be automatically completed for you based upon the GL Bank account number entered on the “deposit” screen.
- Amount: Enter the amount of money you received from this individual or business.
- CR#: This cash receipt entry number will be automatically assigned when saved.
- Description: Enter a description here. The description field is a place for you to enter the reason the check was received. The description prints on the Cash Receipt register but does not print on the GL.
- Check#: Enter the check # of the check you received or leave blank if cash was received. Both alpha and numeric characters can be used.
- Invoice#: Enter up to 9 digits for the invoice number in which money was received for or leave blank if the money was not invoiced or you do not know the invoice number. If the customer has more than one outstanding invoice, you can leave the invoice field blank. It will automatically apply all outstanding invoice amounts. You can change the amounts under the receipt column in the grid.
If an invoice number is entered, the GL#, element #, description, amount O/S, Receipt and project # will appear in the grid. Make any necessary changes and click save.
- Customer: If you entered an invoice number above, the customer’s code will automatically appear here. If an invoice number was not entered, you can enter the customer number or select from the combo box
- Name: If you entered an invoice number above the customer's name will automatically appear here. If an invoice number was not entered, you can enter the customer name or select from the combo box.
If you select a name from the combo box all the information for that customer is displayed in the grid. The dollar amount is applied to the first invoice or invoices in the grid. No additional data entry is required.
- Invoice: Outstanding invoices for the customer will appear.
- Element: Enter or select from the combo box your element number. If you enter revenue at the project level you may bypass this element code entry box.
- Project: If this field is not already completed for you then you have chosen to bypass the element number and enter your revenue at the project level. Enter or select your project number from the combo box.
- GL Code: Enter or select from the combo box your General Ledger Transaction Code.
- Amount O/S: The amount outstanding for each invoice will be displayed.
- Receipt: Enter the amount that you wish to credit to the GL#, Element and/or Project number selected above. If an invoice number has been referenced, the amount will automatically be displayed, applying to the oldest invoices first.
- 1099 Refunds: If the cash receipt you are recording is a refund on a payment made to a vendor that will be receiving a 1099, this box may be checked. Should you check this box before you save the cash receipt and you use the Complete 1099 supplement, the 1099 process will give you the opportunity to subtract this cash receipt amount from the total vendor payments for this vendor.
- Print Options
Include signature lines: Check this box if you wish to have signature lines printed.
Include all the deposits in the batch: Check this box if you wish to have all deposits in the batch printed rather than just the one currently appearing on the screen.
Things You Should Know
- If an error is discovered after an item has been saved to the grid, you can remove it from the grid or change it in the grid and other related fields. To remove an item from the grid, double click on the line you wish to delete.
- When entering a customer with more than one invoice, you may select which invoice the cash receipt is applied to by clicking on the “receipt” column in the grid and editing the amounts. These edited amounts will be accepted once you leave that field by using an arrow key to go to an adjoining box within the grid.
- If a cash receipt was entered and it referenced the wrong invoice number, you need to void that cash receipt so the A/R Analysis will properly reflect the outstanding invoices. If the error was discovered during the month it was originally entered, just unpost the CR batch and delete the cash receipt and reenter correctly. If the error was discovered after the month end was completed, enter a new cash receipt with negative amounts, leave the invoice field blank, enter the customer name and the asset GL Code. It will ask you what invoice you want to apply the amount to. Enter theinvoice number that was incorrectly entered on the original cash receipt. Enter the negative amount again and Enter to put it into the grid and click Save.
Entering Overpayments Received by a Customer
You can track payments received from customers that exceed the amount of outstanding invoices. For example, if you had outstanding invoices for a client for $350.00, but you received a check for $500.00, you would record that as follows: In cash receipts, enter the $500.00 as the check amount but do not enter an invoice number. Enter the customer. All outstanding invoices will be displayed in the grid with $350.00 reflected in the receipt column. To enter the remaining $150.00, click on GL Code and enter your asset code for A/R. It will ask you what invoice you want to apply it to. Enter the last one or one desired. In the receipt field, enter $150.00. Save the cash receipt.
The next time you are entering a CR for the same customer, in the grid it will show a negative $150.00 in the Amt OS column. Enter a negative (-150.00) amount in the Receipt column on the same line in the grid. That will increase the amount of the new check to apply to unpaid invoices by $150.00. The overpayment from the previous month can then be applied to the current month outstanding invoices.
This is an easy way to always track the overpayments by customer.