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#425 Electronic File Reporting
Prepares 1094/1095 file for electronic submission to the Internal Revenue Service. Organizations filing 250 or more 1094/1095 forms must submit 1094/1095 data electronically to the IRS. Organizations submitting fewer forms are also encouraged to do so.
Things You Should Know
Operating Procedures
Upon installation and security assignment for this supplement, it will be found under Payroll, Annual, 1094/1095, on the Print 1094/1095 Form/efile tab.
For those Clients choosing to have GMS prepare their electronic file for submission.
Note: If you have requested that GMS print and/or prepare 1094B, 1095B, 1094C or 1095C forms and electronic files, make sure that all forms are ready to be printed and/or prepared when you upload your database to the website.
You must follow all steps completely, including printing and checking for accuracy. Once you are satisfied that all information is correct, do the following:
Prepares 1094/1095 file for electronic submission to the Internal Revenue Service. Organizations filing 250 or more 1094/1095 forms must submit 1094/1095 data electronically to the IRS. Organizations submitting fewer forms are also encouraged to do so.
Things You Should Know
- A test file is required to be submitted and approved before submitting this file. This test file can be found on the Tools Menu and is titled Create ACA Test File. More information regarding this Test File may be found in Help/Tools/Create ACA Test File.
- When you run the software, you may be prompted for certain information if the program has a problem finding specific items for an employee. If this should happen, you should note the employee and make appropriate changes in the employee file as well so this does not happen again in future years.
- Should you need to amend 1094B, 1095B, 1094C, or 1095C after you have submitted this file, follow normal correction procedures – usually submitting manual changes.
- Do not enter any special characters in phone numbers or tax ID. These should be only numbers with no spaces.
Operating Procedures
Upon installation and security assignment for this supplement, it will be found under Payroll, Annual, 1094/1095, on the Print 1094/1095 Form/efile tab.
- After printing the appropriate forms and confirming their accuracy, select the appropriate Create e-file button.
- Complete instructions regarding 1094 and 1095 form and e-file preparation may be found at https://www.irs.gov/instructions/i109495c/
For those Clients choosing to have GMS prepare their electronic file for submission.
Note: If you have requested that GMS print and/or prepare 1094B, 1095B, 1094C or 1095C forms and electronic files, make sure that all forms are ready to be printed and/or prepared when you upload your database to the website.
You must follow all steps completely, including printing and checking for accuracy. Once you are satisfied that all information is correct, do the following:
- For SQL Server users, make a backup of your current database using the Database Utility. Make sure to select the current database you intend to send to GMS (ConversionNetSQL), typically in the GMSNet folder. Click on Backup Database and save the backup in the GMSNet folder. If for some reason you do not have access to the Backup Database Utility, please contact your IT staff for assistance in making the backup for you and name it conversionNetSQLBU.bak.
- The remaining steps apply to all users. Go to the GMSNet folder. Locate the current conversionnet.mdb or conversionnetSQLBU.bak and right click on it. Zip it with a password and save the zipped file as “Cl # ___1094(year).zip”. Fill in your client #. (If you are submitting your file for 1095 printing, substitute 1095 for the 1094 in the zipped file name.)
- Notify [email protected] that the database (CL#____1094(year).zip is available for upload (or CL # ____1095 (year).zip). You will then be sent instructions for uploading your zipped database, along with secure sign in credentials.
- After the files have been uploaded, send an email to [email protected] informing us that the file has been uploaded and is available for download and be sure to include the password used when zipping the file. All files will be processed in the order received.