Finished signature(s) will be placed on our secure Sharefile server and a link sent to the authorized contact ordering the signature(s).
I am authorized to place this Signature Image Order Form with GMS, Inc. and request that the files be returned to the Contact Name listed above. This page will be retained by GMS, Inc..
In order to get the best quality signature image, you will need to use a black ink pen, such as a roller ball or a fine line plastic tip. A new felt tip pen will also work, but it should be a fine line, or the image will be too bold. Do not use a ballpoint pen because it does not convert well.
You may want to repeat the signatures two or more times and allow us to select the best signature. The signatures must stay within the space provided to get the proper sized image for your checks. If you have questions, please call our office.
Complete the order form, including the signature page, and contact [email protected]for a secure link for upload to our service dept. Your order will be processed within one (1) week of receipt.
I authorize GMS, Inc., to create an image of the above signature(s) and name the JPG files as instructed. After thirty (30) days GMS, Inc., will destroy both this form and all signature(s) images in their possession. During the thirty days GMS, Inc., is not to use the above signature(s) or images for any purpose other than the one intended. Authorizing Official________________________________________________________________________________________________________________