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#414 Quarterly Unemployment Reports
To Print Quarterly Unemployment Reports, track Weeks Worked and produce an Electronic File for submission to the State.
Things You Should Know
Operating Instructions
Unemployment Reports tab
State: Select the state that you are preparing the Quarterly Unemployment Report for.
Year: Enter the applicable four-digit year.
Quarter: Enter the applicable 1 digit quarter.
Matrix: Check all of the items that apply to your state and you wish to include on your report.
SSN#: If the selected state does not have an electronic file format you will be given the option to include the entire S.S.# or only the last four digits on the report.
Last Name: It will automatically be printed since it is a required field.
First Name Initial: First letter of the first name
First Name: First name
Middle Initial: First letter of the middle name
QTD Gross Wages: Gross wages for the quarter regardless of deductions deferred or maximum unemployment amounts.
QTD Taxable Wages: In most states, gross wages not in excess of the maximum unemployment wage base less deductions deferred from Unemployment.
For Mississippi, the QTD Gross Wages equals Gross Wages less any deductions deferred from Unemployment. The MS Non-taxable wages are Gross wages less deferrals in excess of maximum salary. The Taxable wages will be Gross wages less Non-taxable wages.
YTD Fed Taxable Wages: YTD gross wages less deductions deferred from Unemployment. (Required by the State of New York for the 4th quarter.)
YTD State Withholding: YTD State Tax withheld. (Required by the State of New York for the 4th quarter.)
Must be Rounded: Check this checkbox to round all numbers to the nearest dollar.
Weeks Worked: If weeks worked are tracked, check this checkbox to print the weeks worked for each employee.
EID: Employer Identification Number for OH. This must be 15 characters in length. If your state ID is less than 15 characters, enter zeros before your ID number to make it equal to 15 characters.
Location: Location code, if required
Max Wages: Enter the maximum unemployment wage base
Include All Classes: Check this box if all classes are to be included. If this box is not checked, the listing of classes will appear. Check the classes to be included on the report.
Note: If California is entered as the state, after the year and quarter are entered, on the bottom of the form it will allow you to enter the number of employees who worked on the 12th of each month in the quarter.
Sort by: You can print the report in alpha, site code or Social Security number order.
Enter # of Employees on 12th of X month of the quarter: If your state requires reporting of number of employees working on the 12th day of each month of the quarter being reported, complete these fields for each month.
Weeks Worked Routine tab
Enter/change week manually
Employee: Select the employee to enter the weeks worked.
Edit Weeks: Click on Edit and place a checkmark in the box for the appropriate weeks worked in the grid.
Post weeks from timesheets
Timesheet Batch #: Enter the timesheet batch number you wish to post weeks worked from.
Week #: Enter the week you want weeks worked posted to using the selected timesheet batch.
Save Edit: After making changes to weeks worked, click on Save Edit.
Clear Weeks: If you wish to change all employees back to an N for a particular week, click on Clear Weeks. You will be asked to enter the range of weeks that you wish to clear. After you have finished your 4th quarter Unemployment Report, use the Save/Prepare Weeks for New Year explained below.
Print Specific Week Worked: If you wish to print a specific week, click this option and you will be asked to enter the week you wish to print.
Print Weeks Worked: Select this button to print the weeks worked for the specified employees and quarter. When printing weeks worked, information is pulled from the current weeks worked table so you can only print the information for the current year.
Employee: The employee numbers will default from the first numeric number found to the last employee number found.
Include Weeks: Select the quarter you wish to print weeks worked for.
Save/Prepare Weeks for New Year: When you click on this button, it will save all of the weeks posted into a Prior Year table and will also clear all of the weeks in preparation for posting weeks for the new calendar year. You will need to do this step each year after you have completed and proofed the posting of all weeks in the calendar year. When you print the Quarterly Unemployment Report, we will first check the Prior Year table to see if the weeks worked for that year have been moved to that table. If that year is not in the Prior Year table, we will pull the weeks information from the current weeks worked table. This will allow you to go back and print the Quarterly Unemployment Report for any prior quarter that you want to, with the correct number of weeks. (In the past, the weeks worked table was cleared during the Save/Prepare W2 step for New Year under W2s. We will no longer be clearing the table at that time, as you will now have the option to do so after you have posted and proofed the last quarter of the calendar year. In order to save the old calendar weeks information, you will need to perform this step before posting the new calendar year.)
Electronic File tab
State: Select the appropriate state from the combo box. The states that an electronic file format have been programmed for are listed in the combo box.
Electronic file setup
Original: Original is always checked for preparing the file for the first time for a quarter. The only time original would not be checked is for preparing a correction file. At this time, no states that we have prepared formats for require corrections to be submitted by file. They require paper corrections to be submitted. Therefore, preparing a correction file is not available at this time.
Prepare: Click on the Prepare button to prepare the file. The file will include the information checked on the Unemployment Reports tab.
To Print Quarterly Unemployment Reports, track Weeks Worked and produce an Electronic File for submission to the State.
Things You Should Know
- For the states that an electronic file format is available, when that state is selected under the Unemployment Reports tab, checkmarks will automatically be next to the required fields according to the electronic file requirements. The exception to this is New York where additional fields are required for the fourth quarter.
- At the present time, there are only electronic file formats established for the states listed in the State combo box on the Electronic File tab.
- All of the wage fields will include special pay if you have special pay set up to affect Unemployment under Payroll, Set Ups, Special Pay.
- If a state format has been set up in the software for electronic files and that state is selected, the required information on the report will be defaulted to that state.
Operating Instructions
Unemployment Reports tab
State: Select the state that you are preparing the Quarterly Unemployment Report for.
Year: Enter the applicable four-digit year.
Quarter: Enter the applicable 1 digit quarter.
Matrix: Check all of the items that apply to your state and you wish to include on your report.
SSN#: If the selected state does not have an electronic file format you will be given the option to include the entire S.S.# or only the last four digits on the report.
Last Name: It will automatically be printed since it is a required field.
First Name Initial: First letter of the first name
First Name: First name
Middle Initial: First letter of the middle name
QTD Gross Wages: Gross wages for the quarter regardless of deductions deferred or maximum unemployment amounts.
QTD Taxable Wages: In most states, gross wages not in excess of the maximum unemployment wage base less deductions deferred from Unemployment.
For Mississippi, the QTD Gross Wages equals Gross Wages less any deductions deferred from Unemployment. The MS Non-taxable wages are Gross wages less deferrals in excess of maximum salary. The Taxable wages will be Gross wages less Non-taxable wages.
YTD Fed Taxable Wages: YTD gross wages less deductions deferred from Unemployment. (Required by the State of New York for the 4th quarter.)
YTD State Withholding: YTD State Tax withheld. (Required by the State of New York for the 4th quarter.)
Must be Rounded: Check this checkbox to round all numbers to the nearest dollar.
Weeks Worked: If weeks worked are tracked, check this checkbox to print the weeks worked for each employee.
EID: Employer Identification Number for OH. This must be 15 characters in length. If your state ID is less than 15 characters, enter zeros before your ID number to make it equal to 15 characters.
Location: Location code, if required
Max Wages: Enter the maximum unemployment wage base
Include All Classes: Check this box if all classes are to be included. If this box is not checked, the listing of classes will appear. Check the classes to be included on the report.
Note: If California is entered as the state, after the year and quarter are entered, on the bottom of the form it will allow you to enter the number of employees who worked on the 12th of each month in the quarter.
Sort by: You can print the report in alpha, site code or Social Security number order.
Enter # of Employees on 12th of X month of the quarter: If your state requires reporting of number of employees working on the 12th day of each month of the quarter being reported, complete these fields for each month.
Weeks Worked Routine tab
Enter/change week manually
Employee: Select the employee to enter the weeks worked.
Edit Weeks: Click on Edit and place a checkmark in the box for the appropriate weeks worked in the grid.
Post weeks from timesheets
Timesheet Batch #: Enter the timesheet batch number you wish to post weeks worked from.
Week #: Enter the week you want weeks worked posted to using the selected timesheet batch.
Save Edit: After making changes to weeks worked, click on Save Edit.
Clear Weeks: If you wish to change all employees back to an N for a particular week, click on Clear Weeks. You will be asked to enter the range of weeks that you wish to clear. After you have finished your 4th quarter Unemployment Report, use the Save/Prepare Weeks for New Year explained below.
Print Specific Week Worked: If you wish to print a specific week, click this option and you will be asked to enter the week you wish to print.
Print Weeks Worked: Select this button to print the weeks worked for the specified employees and quarter. When printing weeks worked, information is pulled from the current weeks worked table so you can only print the information for the current year.
Employee: The employee numbers will default from the first numeric number found to the last employee number found.
Include Weeks: Select the quarter you wish to print weeks worked for.
Save/Prepare Weeks for New Year: When you click on this button, it will save all of the weeks posted into a Prior Year table and will also clear all of the weeks in preparation for posting weeks for the new calendar year. You will need to do this step each year after you have completed and proofed the posting of all weeks in the calendar year. When you print the Quarterly Unemployment Report, we will first check the Prior Year table to see if the weeks worked for that year have been moved to that table. If that year is not in the Prior Year table, we will pull the weeks information from the current weeks worked table. This will allow you to go back and print the Quarterly Unemployment Report for any prior quarter that you want to, with the correct number of weeks. (In the past, the weeks worked table was cleared during the Save/Prepare W2 step for New Year under W2s. We will no longer be clearing the table at that time, as you will now have the option to do so after you have posted and proofed the last quarter of the calendar year. In order to save the old calendar weeks information, you will need to perform this step before posting the new calendar year.)
Electronic File tab
State: Select the appropriate state from the combo box. The states that an electronic file format have been programmed for are listed in the combo box.
Electronic file setup
Original: Original is always checked for preparing the file for the first time for a quarter. The only time original would not be checked is for preparing a correction file. At this time, no states that we have prepared formats for require corrections to be submitted by file. They require paper corrections to be submitted. Therefore, preparing a correction file is not available at this time.
Prepare: Click on the Prepare button to prepare the file. The file will include the information checked on the Unemployment Reports tab.