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#413 Voucher Import
The voucher import supplement allows you to import any file in a standard format structure and the Get files from the MS ROMA system to form a voucher batch.
Things You Should Know
Standard Format
MS Virtual ROMA Files
Step by Step Instructions:
You should verify that all vendor, program element and general ledger codes are entered in the accounting system before you create the import file.
The voucher import supplement allows you to import any file in a standard format structure and the Get files from the MS ROMA system to form a voucher batch.
Things You Should Know
Standard Format
- The file to be imported can be an Excel, Text, or CSV format.
- If the file to be imported is an Excel or CSV format, it will only import the first sheet in the file.
- The file format must be in the following order: vendor number, dollar amount with a decimal, program element and GL code. It also has the option to include up to 40 characters of a voucher description, optional due date field, and optional invoice number.
- Should you import a file containing inactive or nonexistent element, GL or vendor codes the process will be stopped and a list provided of the inactive codes.
- If you have Supplement #396 Invoice Checking installed, any invoice number entered in column G will be compared against prior invoices for that vendor. If the invoice number is found, you will be given the opportunity to override. The file must be saved as an Excel file.
- When assigning voucher numbers, we are looking at the vendor code and description. If any of the items have the same vendor code and the same description or no description, those items will be combined and assigned to one voucher. Should the items being combined have different due dates, the earliest due date will be used. In order to have different voucher numbers for each item, make sure they all have different descriptions.
MS Virtual ROMA Files
- When you download the files from the State MS Virtual ROMA system, have a designated folder set up where the files will always be downloaded to.
- The file must be an Excel format.
- The file must begin with Get. The file name will include Get-(agency name)(date of download). When that is imported, all of the information included in the file will be saved in the MS Virtual ROMA table. It is important that you do not change the name of the file prior to importing.
- Should you import a file containing inactive or nonexistent element, GL or vendor codes the process will be stopped and a list provided of the inactive codes.
- All of the fields in the Get file MUST be 50 characters or less except for the Description and File Name, which are 255 characters or less. If any fields are more characters than specified, you will receive an error message if you use SQL Server.
- After importing the voucher batch, if you discover there is a coding error, you can edit that batch. However, on the current distribution lines that are there, you can only change the coding. You cannot delete or add additional lines of distribution. The delete and void buttons have also been disabled, as those functions would have to be done at the state level.
- If you are importing a MS Virtual Roma GET file and the software finds that you already have voucher information that exists in the Virtual Roma table that does not contain check information, the import process will be stopped and a message will be displayed saying that you need to delete voucher batch _ before importing another GET file. When you delete the voucher batch, it will also be deleted from the Virtual Roma table.
- If you try to import a MS Virtual Roma GET file that has previously been imported and paid you will get a message informing you that the information in the GET file has already been paid, do you wish to continue? Under normal circumstances, you would always answer NO.
- If you have imported a GET file, processed A/P but have not yet prepared the electronic PUT file, you will not be able to import another GET file until the electronic PUT file is prepared.
Step by Step Instructions:
You should verify that all vendor, program element and general ledger codes are entered in the accounting system before you create the import file.
Column A:
Column B: Column C: Column D: Column E: Column F: Column G: |
Vendor Code
Dollar amount with a decimal but without commas. Element GL Code Description (optional) - limit is 40 characters Due Date (optional) Invoice number (optional) to be used in conjunction with Supplement #396 Invoice Checking |
Each voucher must be on a separate line.
Example with a voucher description and due date:
Example with a voucher description and due date:
2000 3000 4000 5000 |
2200.21 12334.00 444.00 5234.78 |
300002 300003 330001 330002 |
60000 March Payments
59000 Invoice 1234689 56000 Balance of contract payment 54000 Child care payment for March 2017 54100 Child care payment for March 2017 |
3/31/XXXX 3/31/XXXX 4/15/XXXX 3/31/XXXX |
Example without a voucher description or due date:
2000 3000 4000 5000 |
2200.21 12334.00 444.00 5234.78 |
300002 300003 330001 330002 |
59000 56000 54000 54100 |
Save the file in a location that will be easy to locate. Each spreadsheet must be saved as a separate file with only 1 sheet.
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
File type: Select the type of file you are importing. Choices include Excel, Text. or CSV. Excel must be selected if using Supplement #396 Invoice Checking. Import from: Select the drive, folder, and file that you wish to import. Date: Enter the document date to be included in the voucher batch. Posting Period: Enter the posting period you want the batch to be posted in. Batch Description: This is an optional field that you can use to enter a batch description. Alpha order - If you wish to have the voucher numbers assigned in alpha order, put a check in the Alpha order checkbox. If left unchecked, the voucher numbers will be assigned in voucher code order. Import: After successfully importing, a message will be displayed telling you that the voucher batch has been imported and you will be taken to the newly created voucher batch. You need to check the Voucher Register to make sure all of the data has imported correctly. |