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#399 Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail
Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail enables you to prepare and print reports that include line item detail for requested cost allocation pools. This detail may be requested for any or all pools including Fringe Benefit, Common Costs, Management & General Costs (M&G), Service Unit Allocations, or Special Allocation. You can also prepare a cost allocation detail analysis that reflects each pool’s line item detail in separate columns.
Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail is the prorating of the line items in a pool based upon the share of the pool allocated to a particular element. For example, if element 300000 receives 25% of the agencies M&G Costs, then the assumption is that 25% of each line item in the M&G Cost Pool belongs to element 300000. Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail replaces the transfer account (using this example, account #59700), with 25% of each of the line items in the M&G Cost Pool.
If the cost allocation detail was prepared for the last month of the old fiscal year and the selected project/element was selected to roll forward to the new fiscal year, the prior year column will reflect the detail of the pools selected for a report, assuming you have put a check mark next to “Include prior fiscal year allocated amounts in the Prior Year column”.
Things You Should Know
- You must display R&E by Element, Project and Agencywide or select the Post All Financials button before preparing the cost allocation detail.
- The first month the supplement is installed and the tables prepared, the current column for the pools that were chosen to prepare the detail will equal Year-to-Date amounts. This is due to the fact that the table used to store previous month’s allocation detail has no records. Therefore, there is nothing to subtract from the Year-to-Date amounts to calculate the current month.
- When you click on the Prepare button, it will prepare the detail for all pools that are set up. For the reports, you choose which pools you want the detail included. If you display R&E by Element and Project for any month prior to the current period, you will be able to get Cost Allocation Detail reports for the prior period.
- When any buttons are checked to include the allocation detail that information will be saved to become available on any other supplements when allocation detail is selected.
- Percentages are used to calculate line item amounts. This can be confusing and time- consuming to perform manually because of all the pools you may wish to consider. For example, calculate the line item detail for just the Salary account, 50000, in element 300000. It receives direct salary charges, salaries from the line item detail of the M&G Cost Pool, and salaries from the line item detail of the Service Unit Allocation Pool. Following is an example of what the software will do:
Salaries reported on normal Revenue and
Expenditure Report for Element 300000 $_
Salaries from M&G Cost Pool $__
M&G Salaries x account 59700 amount for element 300000
Total Mgmt. & Gen Costs
Salaries from Service Unit Allocation Pool
M&G Salaries x Account 597000 in Service Unit Pool Total M&G Costs
Service Unit Pool Salaries plus amount computed in (a) above x transfer code in elem. 300000 Total Service Unit Pool
Item (1) $ _
Item (2) $ _
Item (3) $ _
Total Consolidated Salaries for Element 300000 $ _
- The calculation for Fringe Benefit detail is even more complicated because the allocations are based on employee class.
- If you use Supplement #389 Cost Allocation Locks and have locked the fringe transfer code for an element, you will be able to get the detail of the locked amount. This is true for selecting fringe detail only. Later the detail for the Indirect, Service Unit and Special Allocations will be available.
- You have the option to have the cost allocation detail for allocated amounts in the prior year column on the R & E reports in that supplement, if the following are true:
If you checked “Include prior fiscal year cost allocation detail for Prior Year column.”
Supplement #399 Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail was installed in the previous fiscal year prior to rolling forward the R/E.
The cost allocation detail was prepared for the last month in the old fiscal year, which would include all years prior to the current year.
Verification that the cost allocation detail report matched the totals under the YTD column on the month end financial reports.
The Month End button on the Financial Reporting menu was clicked AFTER the last time the financial reports were displayed AND AFTER the last time cost allocation detail was prepared for the last month of the fiscal year.
If the prior year amounts were rolled forward and not manually entered into the accounting system.
Steps to follow to print cost allocation detail reports for a previous period:
- Go to the Financial Reporting menu. Select the "to" date for any month prior to your current period that you wish to re-print the report for.
- Display R&E by Element, Project and Agencywide.
- Go to GL Supps, Consolidated Cost Allocation Detail.
- Select the desired report you wish to print.
Operating Instructions
Include Line Item Allocation Detail for – By placing or removing a check in the appropriate box(s), you are identifying the pools for which you are going to prepare the allocation detail. As stated above in the Things You Should Know section, it is recommended that the final preparation should include detail for all pools.
Report – Select the report you wish to prepare. Your options are:
Revenue/Expense Report by Element – This will prepare a Revenue/Expense Report at the Element level with the line item detail of the selected pools added back into the individual line items. If this report is selected, there will be an option at the bottom of the form for you to choose Cost Allocation Detail only. If this is not checked, the report will include all revenues and expenses of the projects and elements selected including the line item detail of allocated amounts.
Revenue/Expense Report by Project – This will prepare a Revenue/Expense Report at the Project level with the line item detail of the selected pools added back into the individual line items. If this report is selected, there will be an option at the bottom of the form for you to choose Cost Allocation Detail only. If this is not checked, the report will include all revenues and expenses of the projects and elements selected including the line item detail of allocated amounts.
Cost Allocation Detail Analysis by Element and by Project – This will prepare a report including only the detail of the selected pools. It will include a separate column for all pools chosen. If this option is selected, there will be an option at the bottom of the form for you to choose Current Month Only, or Year-to-Date information.
Period From and To – The periods shown in the From and To fields represent the dates used when your cost allocation menu options were run.
A grid will appear including all current Projects (if the Project level Report was selected), or Projects and Elements (if the Element level Report was selected). Please select which Projects and/or Elements to be included in the Report. If no selection is made, all Projects and/or Elements will be included.
Prepare – This selection will prepare the allocation detail for all pools that are used.
Cost Allocation Detail Only– Select this option if you want the report to reflect the allocated detail amounts only.
Page breaks between Elements– This option is available when an Element report is selected.
Include prior fiscal year cost allocation amounts in the Prior Year column – Check this if you want the cost allocation detail for the prior year allocated amounts, assuming all of the conditions under Things You Should Know are true.
Print – This will send the report to the screen with the option to print or export.