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You are here: General Ledger > G/L Supplements > #362 Cash Receipts History
#362 Cash Receipts History
The Cash Receipts History prints a listing of cash receipts for all or specified payers, projects, program elements and GL codes. Payers are listed in alphabetical order and subtotaled. The History includes batch and document numbers, check numbers, deposit date, payer code (either customer or vendor code if used), payer name, project, element, GL codes, GL description and payment amount.
The Cash Receipts History is widely used to analyze accounts receivable transactions and to verify revenue coding. It assists in providing a good audit trail for the cash receipts on the revenue and expenditure reports and in the final external reports submitted to grantor agencies. Auditors will often request it to compare with the confirmation letters received from grantor agencies.
Things You Should Know
The Cash Receipts History prints a listing of cash receipts for all or specified payers, projects, program elements and GL codes. Payers are listed in alphabetical order and subtotaled. The History includes batch and document numbers, check numbers, deposit date, payer code (either customer or vendor code if used), payer name, project, element, GL codes, GL description and payment amount.
The Cash Receipts History is widely used to analyze accounts receivable transactions and to verify revenue coding. It assists in providing a good audit trail for the cash receipts on the revenue and expenditure reports and in the final external reports submitted to grantor agencies. Auditors will often request it to compare with the confirmation letters received from grantor agencies.
Things You Should Know
- The Cash Receipts History subtotals by payer name. Entering payer names consistently throughout the year will allow for proper subtotaling. To be assured of the names being entered consistently, we recommend setting up vendor codes for all payers unless you use the Accounts Receivable Supplement, in which case you would have customer numbers set up. Only payers to which a cash receipt has been coded will appear in the list box.
- No matter when you acquire the Cash Receipts History, you will be able to produce the history, which will include all cash receipts entered for the dates specified.
Step by Step Instructions
To produce the Cash Receipts History, select General Ledger, GL supplements
To produce the Cash Receipts History, select General Ledger, GL supplements
Account: The account combo box will include all of the cash accounts you have deposited payments into. If you want to include all cash receipts from all accounts, do not select any specific account. To produce a history for a specific cash account, choose from the combo box.
Period From: Enter the first date of the month you wish to include on the history.
To: Enter the last date of the month you wish to include on the history.
The default is for all Payers, all Projects, all Elements and all GL Codes. Should you wish to select specific codes simply make your selection(s) on the grid from the appropriate tab. Include Description: Put a check in this check box if you wish to include description on the report.
Include Invoice Number: Put a check in this checkbox if you wish to include all invoice numbers and amounts for all checks received.
Include ACH Credits only: Put a check in this checkbox if you wish to include only the ACH Credits
Sort by: Choose the option the report should be sorted by. |