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#327 Complete Purchase Orders
This menu item will be highlighted if you have installed Supplement #327 Complete
Purchase Orders. The Complete Purchase Order supplement allows you to enter, change, print, delete or find purchase orders. Reports may be generated that reflect specific information regarding purchase orders. In addition, financial reports may be generated that reflect outstanding purchase orders.
Things You Should Know
- Since the purchase order supplement automatically assigns purchase order numbers, the only reason for having a number pre-printed on the form is for internal control purposes. If you use an internal control number, label it accordingly since the software will assign the purchase order number that will appear on the printed PO.
Operating Instructions
Purchase Order Setup: This is where you will setup shipping addresses to print on your Purchase Orders. To enter, click on Edit and then click on the + to the right of Record at the bottom of the screen. Enter the name and address here, followed by clicking on Save. These will then be available to select from during Purchase Order Entry.
Purchase Order Entry
Repeat Top Section of Previous PO: If you click this icon, all information in the top section of the PO will be duplicated from the most recent PO displayed on the screen.
Repeat Entire Previous PO: If you click this icon, all information on the PO will be duplicated from the most recent PO displayed on the screen.
Select Shipping Address: Click this icon to select the Ship to location from the locations entered using the Setup – Purchase Order Setup screen.
PO #: PO# will automatically be assigned when PO is saved. This field displays the current PO number and cannot be changed or edited.
Date: Today’s date will be shown. Delete and type in the date or select it from the calendar, if it varies from what is displayed.
Status: Click on the combo box arrow to choose 1 of the 4 different statuses. The options are:
Approved: Already approved
Completed: Automatically assigned when a PO is cleared by voucher entry
Denied: Request is denied
Requested: Requested but not yet approved
Vendor: Select a valid vendor from the list displayed.
Employee: This is an optional field and may be used to reference the requesting employee.
Remarks: This is an optional field. Remarks will appear on the printed PO.
Ship to: This field defaults to the address listed under the Tools, Organization, Organization Info setup screen. Click on the Select Shipping Address icon to select another pre-set shipping address or you may edit this field.
Ship Via: This field will always default to BEST WAY. You may tap enter to retain it or you may enter substitute information. This instruction will appear on the printed PO.
Date Req: This field will always default to ASAP NET 30. You may enter substitute information. This instruction will appear on the printed PO.
Description: Begin by clicking on the + sign to the right of “Record”. You may then enter the description of the item.
Unit Price: Enter the dollar amount per item. Total cost will be computed by multiplying quantity by the unit price.
Quantity: Enter the quantity ordered. The number will be formatted XXX.XX, allowing you to enter partial units such as 3.5 or 1.33.
Enter: Tap enter to record the item in the grid. The cursor will go back to Description to allow more items to be entered.
Grid: The grid shows the following information: Description, Unit Price, Quantity, and Totals. Any changes necessary can be made directly on the grid. If the Quantity and/or Unit Price are changed, the Totals column will automatically recalculate.
Tax: Click on this field to enter any taxes associated with the PO.
Shipping: Click on this field to enter a shipping amount associated with this PO.
Totals: This field displays the total dollar amount of the PO. It cannot be changed or edited.
Requisitions: This is an optional field and may be used to enter the requisition numbers associated with this PO.
GL#: Enter the GL Code or click on the combo box arrow to select a code from the list.
Element #: Enter the Element Code or click on the combo box arrow to select a code from the list.
Obligation: Enter the dollar amount associated with the above codes.
Grid: The grid shows the following information: GL#, Element, Obligation, Expended and Remaining.
If a partial payment is made towards a PO, the amount will appear in the Expended column.
PO Totals: This field displays the dollar amount of the PO and cannot be changed or edited.
Distribution Totals: This field displays the distribution totals of the PO and cannot be changed or edited.
** At this point, you need to click on the Save button to Save the PO**
Print button
Clicking on the Print button will then allow you to select from three different reports – PO Report, Ask for Information Report, or PO Financial Report.
PO Analysis
The PO Analysis will produce a report of PO’s and the balance for 30, 60 and 90 days. The PO date entered in the PO , along with the From and To dates entered, will be used to determine the column the PO balance will appear in on the report.
From/to: Select the date range for the report
Include all PO Status: Leaving the check in the box will produce the report for all PO’s. When you uncheck the box, “Select PO Status” will appear and you can choose a specific PO status for the report.
Sort: The PO Analysis can be sorted by PO, Date or Vendor
PO Report
The PO Report option allows you to print your Purchase Orders.
PO# from/to: select the range of Purchase Orders you wish to print. If you wish to print a single PO, enter that PO number in the To box. When it appears in the grid, double left click on it.
Date from/to: select the date range in which you wish to print Purchase Orders.
Use Pre-printed Forms: click this if your forms are pre-printed with your agency’s name & address.
Signature Lines: you may select to have 0, 1, or 2 signature and date lines print on your Purchase Order.
Ask for Information Report
This feature will provide specific information requested about purchase orders.
Start and End PO: Enter the beginning and ending number of the range of purchase orders to be included.
Start and End Date: Enter the beginning and ending dates of the purchase orders to be included.
PO Status: Select a status of Purchase Orders for the report.
Sort by: The report can be sorted by Vendor, Element or PO#.
Note: If you select PO# an option appears to replace the remarks column on the report With Description Detail.
Note: The default is for all Vendors, GL Codes, Projects, Elements and Employees. To make specific selections uncheck the box next to the appropriate item and choose the item(s) desired.
PO Financial Report
This feature will generate a Revenue/Expense report by Element or Project that will include all approved Purchase Orders. The report includes Budget, Actual Amount (based on the most recent Financial Report prepared for the selected period) Approved Purchase Orders, Total encumbered, Over/Under budget and % of budget expended and received.
Period: Select the month for which you wish to generate the report.
Report Format: Should you have cost categories set up in any General Ledger supplement with that feature you will have the option to select Normal Line Items, Cost Category Detail or Cost Category Summary.
Report Type: Select either R & E by Element or R & E by Project.
With Drill Down Details: Check this box if you wish to have drill down details available on your report. Drill Downs give you the ability to display the transaction detail for a specific code for both the Actual and PO columns.
Note: The default is for all Projects and Elements. To make specific selections uncheck the appropriate box next to Project or Element and choose the item(s) desired.
Page break between elements: Check this box to begin each Element on a separate page.
Things You Should Know
This menu item will be highlighted if you have installed Supplement #327 Complete
Purchase Orders. The Complete Purchase Order supplement allows you to enter, change, print, delete or find purchase orders. Reports may be generated that reflect specific information regarding purchase orders. In addition, financial reports may be generated that reflect outstanding purchase orders.
Things You Should Know
- Purchase orders (PO) are checked for budget availability as entered, alerting you if available funding is insufficient. The system uses all Voucher batches (whether posted or unposted) and all Outstanding Purchase Orders when doing this budget check.
- To stop an employee from overriding the message “Budget not available” go to Tools, Security menu and put a check in “Can’t Override Budgets”
- Referencing a purchase order in subsequent voucher data entry will bring the PO into the voucher. There is no limit on the number of PO’s that can be brought into a single voucher.
- PO’s are cleared during voucher data entry. Should partial amounts be entered, the PO may remain open at your discretion and the outstanding PO balance may be viewed at any time. However, you cannot edit and change the quantity of items in a PO that has already been refunded in a new voucher because a new line number will be assigned and the balance of the PO will not be accurate.
- If you are using pre-printed forms, click the check box. Forms will print the signatures higher on the page with distribution information below the signatures. Note: distribution information is limited to 14 lines. We suggest that you print a fake PO out on paper to see the format for ordering pre-printed forms. If you select Preprinted on the form and do not select signature lines, the distribution will print higher than when signature lines are printed.
- Following are some suggestions if you order pre-printed forms:
- Since the purchase order supplement automatically assigns purchase order numbers, the only reason for having a number pre-printed on the form is for internal control purposes. If you use an internal control number, label it accordingly since the software will assign the purchase order number that will appear on the printed PO.
- When printing the Purchase Orders, it will ask if you want one or two signature and date lines printed.
- If you have entered a voucher and referenced a PO on the voucher, you cannot delete it, you can only change the coding or amount not less than the voucher amount.
Operating Instructions
Purchase Order Setup: This is where you will setup shipping addresses to print on your Purchase Orders. To enter, click on Edit and then click on the + to the right of Record at the bottom of the screen. Enter the name and address here, followed by clicking on Save. These will then be available to select from during Purchase Order Entry.
Purchase Order Entry
Repeat Top Section of Previous PO: If you click this icon, all information in the top section of the PO will be duplicated from the most recent PO displayed on the screen.
Repeat Entire Previous PO: If you click this icon, all information on the PO will be duplicated from the most recent PO displayed on the screen.
Select Shipping Address: Click this icon to select the Ship to location from the locations entered using the Setup – Purchase Order Setup screen.
PO #: PO# will automatically be assigned when PO is saved. This field displays the current PO number and cannot be changed or edited.
Date: Today’s date will be shown. Delete and type in the date or select it from the calendar, if it varies from what is displayed.
Status: Click on the combo box arrow to choose 1 of the 4 different statuses. The options are:
Approved: Already approved
Completed: Automatically assigned when a PO is cleared by voucher entry
Denied: Request is denied
Requested: Requested but not yet approved
Vendor: Select a valid vendor from the list displayed.
Employee: This is an optional field and may be used to reference the requesting employee.
Remarks: This is an optional field. Remarks will appear on the printed PO.
Ship to: This field defaults to the address listed under the Tools, Organization, Organization Info setup screen. Click on the Select Shipping Address icon to select another pre-set shipping address or you may edit this field.
Ship Via: This field will always default to BEST WAY. You may tap enter to retain it or you may enter substitute information. This instruction will appear on the printed PO.
Date Req: This field will always default to ASAP NET 30. You may enter substitute information. This instruction will appear on the printed PO.
Description: Begin by clicking on the + sign to the right of “Record”. You may then enter the description of the item.
Unit Price: Enter the dollar amount per item. Total cost will be computed by multiplying quantity by the unit price.
Quantity: Enter the quantity ordered. The number will be formatted XXX.XX, allowing you to enter partial units such as 3.5 or 1.33.
Enter: Tap enter to record the item in the grid. The cursor will go back to Description to allow more items to be entered.
Grid: The grid shows the following information: Description, Unit Price, Quantity, and Totals. Any changes necessary can be made directly on the grid. If the Quantity and/or Unit Price are changed, the Totals column will automatically recalculate.
Tax: Click on this field to enter any taxes associated with the PO.
Shipping: Click on this field to enter a shipping amount associated with this PO.
Totals: This field displays the total dollar amount of the PO. It cannot be changed or edited.
Requisitions: This is an optional field and may be used to enter the requisition numbers associated with this PO.
GL#: Enter the GL Code or click on the combo box arrow to select a code from the list.
Element #: Enter the Element Code or click on the combo box arrow to select a code from the list.
Obligation: Enter the dollar amount associated with the above codes.
Grid: The grid shows the following information: GL#, Element, Obligation, Expended and Remaining.
If a partial payment is made towards a PO, the amount will appear in the Expended column.
PO Totals: This field displays the dollar amount of the PO and cannot be changed or edited.
Distribution Totals: This field displays the distribution totals of the PO and cannot be changed or edited.
** At this point, you need to click on the Save button to Save the PO**
Print button
Clicking on the Print button will then allow you to select from three different reports – PO Report, Ask for Information Report, or PO Financial Report.
PO Analysis
The PO Analysis will produce a report of PO’s and the balance for 30, 60 and 90 days. The PO date entered in the PO , along with the From and To dates entered, will be used to determine the column the PO balance will appear in on the report.
From/to: Select the date range for the report
Include all PO Status: Leaving the check in the box will produce the report for all PO’s. When you uncheck the box, “Select PO Status” will appear and you can choose a specific PO status for the report.
Sort: The PO Analysis can be sorted by PO, Date or Vendor
PO Report
The PO Report option allows you to print your Purchase Orders.
PO# from/to: select the range of Purchase Orders you wish to print. If you wish to print a single PO, enter that PO number in the To box. When it appears in the grid, double left click on it.
Date from/to: select the date range in which you wish to print Purchase Orders.
Use Pre-printed Forms: click this if your forms are pre-printed with your agency’s name & address.
Signature Lines: you may select to have 0, 1, or 2 signature and date lines print on your Purchase Order.
Ask for Information Report
This feature will provide specific information requested about purchase orders.
Start and End PO: Enter the beginning and ending number of the range of purchase orders to be included.
Start and End Date: Enter the beginning and ending dates of the purchase orders to be included.
PO Status: Select a status of Purchase Orders for the report.
Sort by: The report can be sorted by Vendor, Element or PO#.
Note: If you select PO# an option appears to replace the remarks column on the report With Description Detail.
Note: The default is for all Vendors, GL Codes, Projects, Elements and Employees. To make specific selections uncheck the box next to the appropriate item and choose the item(s) desired.
PO Financial Report
This feature will generate a Revenue/Expense report by Element or Project that will include all approved Purchase Orders. The report includes Budget, Actual Amount (based on the most recent Financial Report prepared for the selected period) Approved Purchase Orders, Total encumbered, Over/Under budget and % of budget expended and received.
Period: Select the month for which you wish to generate the report.
Report Format: Should you have cost categories set up in any General Ledger supplement with that feature you will have the option to select Normal Line Items, Cost Category Detail or Cost Category Summary.
Report Type: Select either R & E by Element or R & E by Project.
With Drill Down Details: Check this box if you wish to have drill down details available on your report. Drill Downs give you the ability to display the transaction detail for a specific code for both the Actual and PO columns.
Note: The default is for all Projects and Elements. To make specific selections uncheck the appropriate box next to Project or Element and choose the item(s) desired.
Page break between elements: Check this box to begin each Element on a separate page.
Things You Should Know
- To get the drill down detail for this report, put a check in the checkbox on the PO Financial Report form next to “With Drill Down Details”. Since the report takes longer to load when you select drill down detail, we don’t have it automatically included.
- If With Drill Down Details is checked, once the report is displayed, you can double click on any column for a GL code and it will display the actual and PO column transaction detail. It will display a new report reflecting the posting Period, type of book of entry, Batch #, Document #, Description, Element, Project, Actual and PO amount for the selected GL code.
- To close out of the detail form, click on the small x in the upper right corner.
- Because of the way we designed the table in the database that stores the timesheets and the allocation of leave and fringe benefit costs, you can click on any of the GL codes that have been set up in the Class Setup for salary, leave and fringe benefits and it will give you a list of the employees with a total of their direct timesheet charges and allocations if you have been given access to Personnel Drill Downs under Tools, Security Menu. For the GL Code assigned for salaries, you will get a list of employees with their timesheet charges. If leave is also set up to be reflected in the same GL code as salaries, it will give you a total of the timesheet charges plus leave allocated for that employee.
- For 59700 and 59900, which are the two reserved GL codes for indirect and common costs, you will not get any detail if you double click on them because there is nothing directly charged to them. This is also true for the transfer codes set up in Supplement #367 Service Unit Allocations and Supplement #381 Special Allocations/Internal Base.