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#313 Leave History
This supplement provides employee leave detail, including opening balances, hours earned, hours taken, and balance forward. The information is provided on an individual pay period basis. Only leave types set up in the Leave Balance Type option of Payroll/Set Up will appear in this report.
Things You Should Know
Operating Instructions
Include Pay Period: Select the beginning and ending period for the payrolls to be included in this report. Please be aware that these dates refer to payroll check dates.
Include Employee: Select the individual employee code number or range of employee code numbers to be included in the report.
Include Dept Code: Select the individual Department Code or range of Department Codes to be included in the report.
Include Site Code: Select the individual Site Code or range of Site Codes to be included in the report.
Active/Terminated/Both: Select the type of employees to be included in the report.
Include all Leave types: This option will default to include all leave types. If you do not want to include all types of leave balances, uncheck this check box and select the desired leave type(s).
Sort by: Select the method by which you wish the employees to be sorted: Employee (alphabetically by last name), Dept Code, or Site Code.
Page break between employees: Choose this option should you desire each employee to print on a separate page.
Print: Prepares the report and displays the information on the screen. At this point you have the option of selecting to print or export the report.
This supplement provides employee leave detail, including opening balances, hours earned, hours taken, and balance forward. The information is provided on an individual pay period basis. Only leave types set up in the Leave Balance Type option of Payroll/Set Up will appear in this report.
Things You Should Know
- This supplement can be accessed through PR Supplements, Leave History, or by clicking on the Leave History tab on the Employee File.
- Should you access the supplement through PR Supplements, you have the option of selecting an individual employee or range of employees to be included in the report. You can also request employees for a specific Department or range of Department codes, as well as a specific Site or range of Site codes.
- Should you access the supplement through the Leave History tab, the report will be generated for the employee currently displayed on the screen, including all activity and balances for the appropriate leave types. It will provide the information based on the current calendar year.
Note: Upon termination of an employee, you need to delete all leave types that are set up in the Leave Balances section of the employee file. This is necessary to stop the leave types from printing on this supplement for terminated employees.
Operating Instructions
Include Pay Period: Select the beginning and ending period for the payrolls to be included in this report. Please be aware that these dates refer to payroll check dates.
Include Employee: Select the individual employee code number or range of employee code numbers to be included in the report.
Include Dept Code: Select the individual Department Code or range of Department Codes to be included in the report.
Include Site Code: Select the individual Site Code or range of Site Codes to be included in the report.
Active/Terminated/Both: Select the type of employees to be included in the report.
Include all Leave types: This option will default to include all leave types. If you do not want to include all types of leave balances, uncheck this check box and select the desired leave type(s).
Sort by: Select the method by which you wish the employees to be sorted: Employee (alphabetically by last name), Dept Code, or Site Code.
Page break between employees: Choose this option should you desire each employee to print on a separate page.
Print: Prepares the report and displays the information on the screen. At this point you have the option of selecting to print or export the report.