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#302 Deduction Listing
Prints Employee codes, names, Social Security numbers and deduction amounts for all or a specific deduction for any pay period. Each deduction begins on a new page. Only those employees with deduction amounts for the specified deduction and pay period will appear on the report.
Things You Should Know
Operating Instructions
Current Year or Prior Year: Select the calendar year which you wish to print the report from.
Check Date: Using the combo box, please select the payroll # and check dates for which you wish to generate the report. Deduction amounts will be added together if more than one payroll # is selected.
Note: A deduction listing can only be generated for paycheck dates within a single calendar year.
Include all deductions: Should you wish to include all deductions on the report, make sure this box is checked.
If you want specific deduction(s) included, please uncheck the Include all Deductions box. A grid will appear allowing you to select the deduction(s) you wish to be included on the report.
Include SSN#: Select this option if you wish to include the Social Security number. If you choose to include the Social Security number, you will then be given the option to have only the last 4 digits print.
Page break between deductions: Select this option if you wish to have a page break between each deduction.
Include Address: Select this option to include the employee address on the report.
Print: Prepares the report and displays the information on the screen. At this point you have the option of selecting to print or export.
Prints Employee codes, names, Social Security numbers and deduction amounts for all or a specific deduction for any pay period. Each deduction begins on a new page. Only those employees with deduction amounts for the specified deduction and pay period will appear on the report.
Things You Should Know
- During payroll processing the deduction information is stored in tables making it possible to generate these reports for previous payrolls.
- If you have an employee who is entered in two employee files with different codes because they have different rates of pay and are entered with different class codes, it will list the deductions separately for each employee code.
Operating Instructions
Current Year or Prior Year: Select the calendar year which you wish to print the report from.
Check Date: Using the combo box, please select the payroll # and check dates for which you wish to generate the report. Deduction amounts will be added together if more than one payroll # is selected.
Note: A deduction listing can only be generated for paycheck dates within a single calendar year.
Include all deductions: Should you wish to include all deductions on the report, make sure this box is checked.
If you want specific deduction(s) included, please uncheck the Include all Deductions box. A grid will appear allowing you to select the deduction(s) you wish to be included on the report.
Include SSN#: Select this option if you wish to include the Social Security number. If you choose to include the Social Security number, you will then be given the option to have only the last 4 digits print.
Page break between deductions: Select this option if you wish to have a page break between each deduction.
Include Address: Select this option to include the employee address on the report.
Print: Prepares the report and displays the information on the screen. At this point you have the option of selecting to print or export.